The Time for Optics Is Over
If Republicans do not take swift action to demonstrate they are capable of dishing out as the Democrats do, then they might as well hand over the keys to...
If Republicans do not take swift action to demonstrate they are capable of dishing out as the Democrats do, then they might as well hand over the keys to...
The transcendent is essential for civilization, because civilization is the product of man removing himself from savage nature in order to emulate the higher ideals of the kingdom of...
The Canadian actress' self-mutilating sex change was prompted by a "gentle and loving" voice in her head. ...
Those who seek tyrannical control over the masses would much rather deal with docile men than with ones willing to fight back, so let's raise a generation of men...
It is human nature to think fondly of our past, of our ancestors’ achievements, and of our identity. A society is strong and prosperous when its members think well...
Should patriots apply tactics such as information warfare, protests, fifth columns, lawfare, and other activities normally associated with color revolutions in order shatter the legitimacy and influence of the...
The law shows that history is not moving in an inevitable direction toward a socialist, gay utopia, but that a society can, in fact, revert to one centered on...
Satan seeks to make a mockery of the works of God; the great work of God is the sacrifice of his son, Jesus Christ, to save mankind from sin...
By doubling down on the culture war, ultimately many of the issues facing the country will essentially solve themselves. ...
Let’s be firm in upholding the greatness of our civilization. Let’s be proud of the sacrifices our ancestors made so that we could enjoy a higher quality of life....
Although Marxists endeavor to frame every issue in terms of class warfare, the truth is that this is a fight between good and evil, liberty and tyranny, and Christianity...
America has a legitimate interest in maintaining influence in Latin America — and in keeping the region free of rival foreign influences. ...
We cannot preserve the American Republic without preserving America’s middle class. To do this, we must promote policies that allow the middle class to flourish, and hefty taxes such...
What the rainbow nation really wants is to get as many people as possible — ideally, everyone in society — to become part of their coalition. ...
There are two explanations for Musk’s actions: Either he agrees with the insiders and supports their agenda, or he is an imbecile with terrible judgment, unable to inform himself...