Insight Into the ERA
Versions of the proposed Equal Rights Amendment have been rejected for nearly a hundred years, and there’s good reason for that. ...
Versions of the proposed Equal Rights Amendment have been rejected for nearly a hundred years, and there’s good reason for that. ...
Bothered by your kids’ screen time? You have good reasons. We’ll explore some of them and find out what parents are doing to reverse the addiction epidemic. ...
In spite of the government shutdown with many empty facilities and streets around D.C., the National Mall was filled Friday with marchers for the nation’s largest pro-life rally. Every...
Kermit Gosnell did late-term abortions. When aborted children were born alive, he cut their necks to kill them. But his case shows that killing kids in or out of...
The upcoming controversial movie Roe v. Wade is projected to open in theaters the winter of 2019. The feature-length movie, produced by actor and producer Nick Loeb, is the...
In fear of the turning tide in the political atmosphere, leading abortion organization Planned Parenthood is preparing for an overturning of Roe v. Wade. ...
Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer hits the mark as it brings to the screen believable characters with quality production. ...
Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer is set to open in over 700 theaters around the country, revealing the account of the trial of Kermit Gosnell, Philadelphia’s...
The benefits of technology are many. However, there seems to be a dangerous growing epidemic that has been created as a result. ...
Iowa set a groundbreaking precedent on Friday as the “fetal heartbeat” bill was signed into law. Surrounded by cheers and a crowd of supporters that included mothers and children,...
Abortion activists are actively trying to wipe out kids born with Down syndrome, arguing that the burden is not fair to either the child or the parents — eugenics...
The new educational documentary Connect, hosted by Kirk Cameron, attempts to balance understanding the dangers of technology, while continuing to benefit from it. ...
History is in the making as the anniversary of Roe v. Wade is positioned to take a backseat to a new and opposing milestone in America. In a monumental move...
In 1973, the Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade was settled, legalizing abortion nationwide, creating devastating effects that can be neither ignored nor erased. ...
The world’s largest and most renowned pro-life event left its footprint on the nation’s capitol once again on Friday. The 45th annual March for Life welcomed tens of thousands...