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About: John F. McManus

John F. McManus

John F. McManus is president emeritus of The John Birch Society

Who Sets the Pope’s Agenda?

Pope Francis has not changed Catholic teaching regarding homosexuality, but it is understandable if his actions have caused confusion among Catholics and non-Catholics alike as to whether that teaching...

Government Worker Total Grows

A nation is wealthy whose people use the raw materials of the earth to produce goods. Government workers, frequently impeders of wealth producers, do not produce goods and do...

Combat Is No Place for Women

Should women be in combat roles in the military? No. It is not a right for everyone. It's a privilege only for those who qualify mentally, physically, and emotionally....

Is Polygamy Next?

Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has given legal recognition to same-sex marriages, some are arguing that the next logical step is legalized polygamy. ...