Does Zika Warrant Bringing Back DDT?
The existing ban on DDT should be terminated. Perhaps the current scare presented by the Zika virus will lead again to the use of this remarkable and safe substance....
The existing ban on DDT should be terminated. Perhaps the current scare presented by the Zika virus will lead again to the use of this remarkable and safe substance....
Hillary Clinton — who wants to be president of the United States — blatantly lied to the mother of a Benghazi victim. She has also lied on numerous other...
Even though most Americans would have a difficult time explaining precisely what the term “establishment” connotes, they have sense of what it means. ...
Cover-ups have become a regular feature of the U.S. government’s conduct. In this case, it seems that the beneficiary is the Saudi Arabian government. ...
Societal disintegration exists and it needs attention. Not from the policemen who have enough to do in their frequently dangerous work, but from teachers, clergymen, parents, business leaders, and...
Top Marine Wants Women to Register for the Draft “In my personal view, every American who’s physically qualified should register for the draft.” Testifying before the Senate Armed Services...
Each new report about killings committed by a person wielding a gun brings new cries for restricting, even canceling, the right of the people to keep and bear arms....
Shame on FBI Director James Comey! He supplied numerous reasons why Hillary Clinton’s should be indicted for her reckless handling of her e-mails. Yet he recommended against an indictment. ...
In the wake of the British vote to leave the European Union, Prime Minister Robert Fico of Slovakia took over as president of the European Council. ...
Support for Nuclear Power From a Surprising Source “We’re supposed to be adding zero-carbon sources, not subtracting.” Department of Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz and some other climate-change enthusiasts are...
Yuri Bezmenov, who defected from Soviet Russia 40-plus years ago, warned that the undermining of America was being “done by Americans to Americans thanks to a lack of moral...
World government under the United Nations has always been the goal of the EU’s creators. ...
Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has enthusiastically recommended the book See Something, Say Nothing by Philip Haney, a federal investigator who eventually lost his job because he was pointing credible fingers...
All segments of the mass media, not to mention politicians, clergy, and entertainers, went overboard to heap praise on the late Muhammad Ali. Few offered anything about his many dishonorable...
Obama Voids Ban on Shipping Arms to Vietnam “The decision to lift the ban was based on our desire to complete what has been a lengthy process of moving...