About: Jeffrey Mahn

Jeffrey Mahn

Jeffrey Mahn is a retired nuclear engineer who has worked in various capacities in the nuclear power industry as well as at Sandia National Laboratories on the U.S. nuclear weapons program. He has a passion for promoting the truth about energy, nuclear power, and ionizing radiation.

What’s Stifling Nuclear Power? 

A scientific approach to assessing risks at nuclear power plants reveals that government has been hoodwinking the American public for years. It’s time for that to change. ...

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Big Green Boondoggle

If Americans don't speak up now to put an end to the man-made climate-change nonsense, they will surrender themselves to a new normal of brownouts, blackouts, and energy rationing....

Fusion Breakthrough or Hyperbole?

On December 13, 2022, physicists at the U.S. government-funded National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California announced that for the first time a powerful fusion...

Back to Energy’s Future?

Radical environmental net-zero goals rely on so-called renewable energy sources, which promise to return society to pre-Industrial Revolution conditions. ...

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The Tritium Tempest in a Teapot

Tritium is nothing more than a "political" problem, generating lots of sound and fury from the media. Otherwise, it poses no threat to humans or the environment. ...

The Facts About Used Nuclear Fuel

The anti-nuclear mantra is that there is no solution to the “problem” of used nuclear fuel, and for this reason nuclear power plants should be shut down. The truth...

Back to Energy’s Future? — Part 7

The final article in this series will address the environmental issues associated with U.S. wind turbine, solar panel, and battery energy storage system installations proposed for transitioning to a...

Back to Energy’s Future? — Part 6

In article six of this series, we address the serious renewable energy supply-chain problem that America faces in attempting to transition to a renewable energy economy. America is, unfortunately,...

Back to Energy’s Future? — Part 5

As indicated in the previous article of this series, the true environmental impact of generating electricity from an energy resource can only be realized by considering the resource’s entire...

Back to Energy’s Future? — Part 4

The true environmental impact of generating electricity can only be realized by considering the energy resource's entire lifecycle, from material extraction to disposal/recycling. ...

Back to Energy’s Future? — Part 2

As indicated in the first article of this series, there are two very important electricity-generating system performance measures that must be considered when making decisions about what energy resources...