Canada Muzzles Its Scientists; Can the U.S. Be Far Behind?
Canadian scientists are learning the truth of the old maxim, “He who pays the piper calls the tune.” While the general public and most scientists believe that science should...
Canadian scientists are learning the truth of the old maxim, “He who pays the piper calls the tune.” While the general public and most scientists believe that science should...
President Obama’s proposed changes to NASA’s plans for manned space flight have implications for many aspects of the aerospace industry. Following the recommendations of the Augustine Committee, Obama decided...
Legislative efforts to implement a supposedly “environmentally friendly” conversion of the U.S. economy by means of carbon credits may be on hold for the moment, but that does not...
In the aftermath of the furor over one Florida church’s plans to burn copies of the Koran on the ninth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, a new...
For years, Robert Spencer has endured insults and death threats because of his endeavors as director of Jihad Watch. If one tells the truth about Islam, one is at...
The aborted plan of Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, to burn copies of the Muslim Koran has received national and international attention...
“What does it take to make a hero?” For anyone paying even scant attention to the lavish manner in which the media awards such designations, the modern reply might...
The fortunes of the theory of manmade global warming have fallen on such hard times in the past year that even Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), the U.S. Senate’s leading Republican-in-Name-Only...
The track record of the United Nations' efforts pressuring for carbon credit “cap and trade” schemes has been very clear the past few years. Efforts by the UN secretary...
Following on the heals of the previous week’s stunning 484,000 new unemployment claims, the rise to 500,000 announced August 19 offers proof that the U.S. economy is far from...
Environmentalism’s prophet of doom, former Vice President Al Gore, has finally found “The Movement We Need.” ...
Constitutionalists are expressing their disappointment, and even outrage, over the decision by the House of Delegates of the American Bar Association (ABA) to openly advocate the legalization of homosexual...
The continuing implosion of the U.S. economy in the aftermath of unprecedented federal bailouts and unemployment programs has now brought forth a stunning loss of 484,000 jobs in a...
According to press reports, the drive for “cap and trade” legislation has finally died in the Senate. ...
Success or failure for a political lobbyist often comes down to access; without easy access to legislators, it is naturally much harder to apply the pressure to drive legislation...