History Politicized
Those on the conventional right incessantly lament the ignorance of history from which younger generations of Americans suffer. While it is true that Americans appear to know frighteningly little...
Those on the conventional right incessantly lament the ignorance of history from which younger generations of Americans suffer. While it is true that Americans appear to know frighteningly little...
Casey Anthony, the young woman arrested and tried for having murdered her three-year-old daughter, has just been acquitted of the most serious charges that had been leveled against her....
In promoting the nation-building enterprises upon which President George W. Bush embarked the U.S. military, the most visible and loudest voices of the conventional right are forever reminding the...
Central to the politics of states with democratically-constituted governments is the notion that all sovereignty resides in “the People.” In no place and at no time has this idea been more prevalent...
For decades, those on the left have clashed swords with those on the right over the issue of “legislating morality.” The latter believes, not only that it is appropriate...
Ron Paul’s fellow Republicans haven’t simply castigated him for his foreign policy positions; they have routinely and resoundingly mocked him. What has the Texas Congressman said that is so...
As of late, Ron Paul has once again been the subject of relentless criticism courtesy of Republican Party pundits. It is his positions on marriage, “recreational” drugs, and current...
Although I have defended him on numerous occasions, it may surprise some readers of this column to discover that not unlike his legions of detractors within the Republican Party,...
Upon discussing the Anthony Weiner situation with a friend of the disgraced congressman on his nationally syndicated radio show, self-described “Reagan conservative” Sean Hannity expressed his wish that Weiner...
A while ago I wrote an article that generated quite a discussion. With this I was well pleased. Yet, I must confess, my pleasantness over the response with which...
Since he has been elected President, commentators on the right have debated amongst themselves as to what Barack Obama honestly expects to gain from his policies. One school of...
Among many on the Right, the belief that their opponents on the Left are “moral relativists” dies hard. But die it must, for not only is this not true,...
Readers of this column will notice that I tend to be more critical of Republicans and “conservatives” than I am of Democrats and leftists. My reason for this is...
In his, “Ron Paul, Hookers, and Heroin,” nationally syndicated talk-show host Michael Medved has once more indulged his obsession with Ron Paul. ...
I recently received an email from a Jewish reader charging me with “anti-Semitism.” Since, being a mere Christian, I lack those unique insights into the dark recesses of the...