About: Gary Benoit

Spain’s Labor Reforms Cut Unemployment

Labor-market regulations and high taxes associated with hiring workers typically lead to high unemployment figures. Not least was this the case in many European nations before reforms began being...

Slovakia Adopts the Euro

On January 1, 2009, Slovakia became the first former Soviet-bloc country to adopt the Euro as its national currency. Once the "-slovakia" in "Czechoslovakia," Slovakia, already a member of...

GM Bailout a Sop to Cerberus?

The recent decision by the federal government to bail out GMAC, the financing arm of General Motors, encouraged the illusion that the federal government has decided to "rescue" the...

Gaza Crisis Should be Avoided by U.S.

The ongoing Israeli attacks on the Palestinian-occupied and controlled Gaza Strip have provoked indignation worldwide, as flare-ups in that corner of the globe usually do. The status of the...

That Thing Called Feminism

Sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree, and sometimes that's a good thing. You may not know the name Rebecca Walker, but she is a woman who...

Press Freedom Threatened in Germany

New legislation that passed last month in the lower House of Germany's parliament, the Bundestag, is being criticized by opponents who say it is an effort to create a...

Sweden Unsuccessful Integrating Immigrants

The Swedish welfare state is far from successful when it comes to integrating immigrants into its economy. Among first-generation immigrants from non-industrialized countries, less than half the adults are...