Berries, Ice Cream, Gay Agenda
It's "discrimination" when a Michigan farmer won't rent out his orchid for gay weddings, but it's not "discrimination" when Ben and Jerry’s won't serve customers two scoops of the...
It's "discrimination" when a Michigan farmer won't rent out his orchid for gay weddings, but it's not "discrimination" when Ben and Jerry’s won't serve customers two scoops of the...
What comes from decades of monolithic progressive campus culture, where radical left wing politics are championed and traditional and conservative ideas shunned and stigmatized? ...
At FreedomProject Academy, we have one abiding mission: to change culture and restore the nation through classical education, to impart Judeo-Christian values to our students, and to prepare the...
Proponents of euthanasia have longed claimed that it is ridiculous to assume that allowing limited euthanasia will lead to a slippery slope, but recent events show otherwise. ...
FreedomProject Academy is reaching young people and their families at unprecedented levels. FPA is a classical school that offers online classes in real time, with live teachers and student...
The Obama administration is bent on catering as far as possible to the sexually confused, despite his actions being illegal, illogical, hypocritical, and unpopular. ...
Common Core represents a substantial reduction in school rigor, and it takes curriculum decisions from schools and parents, yet it may soon become almost impossible to avoid. ...
For nearly no provocation, college agitators now routinely call for resignations, apologies, and restrictions. Though abjectly foolish, such campus intolerance was just a matter of time. ...
The recent cultural madness and subsequent campaign of distortion surrounding guns in America offers a chilling example of the selective outrage and cynical manipulation employed by the cultural elites...
Americans engaged in the Culture War should not allow themselves to be discouraged by the attacks on their beliefs and religious liberty. Instead, Dr. Duke Pesta explains in this...
In the following video presentation, Dr. Duke Pesta, academic director at FreedomProject Education, encapsulates key points he made in his "Christmas Myths?" cover story in the December 24 issue...
In this day and age, when something is described as myth, people think of it as false history, not as something mythic. And we falsely assume that society can...
I entered graduate school to study English literature in the late 1980s, eventually receiving a Ph.D. in Renaissance literature, and have been a professional academic ever since. I have reached...
Dr. Duke Pesta (left) received his M.A. in Renaissance literature from John Carroll University and his Ph.D. in Shakespeare and Renaissance literature from Purdue University. He has taught at...