The Warmers Strike Back
Stephen Dinan's Washington Times article "Climate Scientist to Fight Back at Skeptics," (March 5, 2010) tells of a forthcoming campaign that one global warmer said needs to...
Stephen Dinan's Washington Times article "Climate Scientist to Fight Back at Skeptics," (March 5, 2010) tells of a forthcoming campaign that one global warmer said needs to...
Bill Gates is the world's richest person, but what kind of power does he have over you? Can he force your kid to go to a school you do...
Private industry and governments around the world have spent trillions of dollars in the name of saving our planet from manmade global warming. Academic institutions, think tanks and schools...
The Census Bureau estimates that the life cycle cost of the 2010 Census will be from $13.7 billion to $14.5 billion, making it the costliest census in the nation's...
Some expect Haiti's 7.0 earthquake death toll to reach over 200,000 lives. Why the high death toll? Northern California's 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake was more violent, measuring 7.1 on...
I recently came across some notes that I had taken during English class my senior year at Ypsilanti High School. People often ask how I became so so knowledgeable;...
Is Judge Sonia Sotomayor really a secret right-winger? Wait! Before you decide I’m a stark-raving lunatic, hear me out. ...
One of the dirtiest campaigns ever conducted for the U.S. Senate is finally over. And to the dismay of anyone who cares about decency and decorum in “the world’s...
One of the police supervisors in the Cambridge Police/Crosby/Gates press conference suggested that Obama, himself, may be unwilling to accept our post-racial America. That speaker hit upon something extremely...
Item: Writing in the online Newsweek for June 2, Daniel Gross observed: “It’s been a long time since American devotees of Marx … have had much to cheer about....
On Thursday, July 2, State Representative Sally Kern (R-Oklahoma City) and over one hundred political, religious and business leaders gathered at the Oklahoma state capitol to present the “Oklahoma Citizen’s Proclamation for...
When Germany invaded Poland in WWII, the Polish Jews that the Germans did not immediately kill were jammed in ghettos, there to await their execution by the Nazi SS....
On our first day in school, most of us stood beside our desk, put our little hand over our heart, and repeated (with varying degrees of accuracy) the words...
After decades of hand-wringing over nonexistent or, at best, mediocre gains in student academic achievement, the most noticeable thing to come out of all the "studies" aimed at improving...
There are 322 languages spoken in the United States, but the people have selected one lingua to rule over them all. ...