CDC Approves Children 5-11 To Be Guinea Pigs For Experimental Vaccine!
Healthy Children are at no risk from Covid-19. Yet, Democrats want to put them at risk of death and many side effects of an experimental Vaccine! Why would anyone...
Healthy Children are at no risk from Covid-19. Yet, Democrats want to put them at risk of death and many side effects of an experimental Vaccine! Why would anyone...
If you want a globalist Communist Government, you have to purge the good people out of their jobs. Then you are left with slaves who are too afraid to...
They proved it and now they want you to ignore it. Because, when they proved it, they realized they will use it for themselves. DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed...
Find out what you can do to restore election integrity, visit The Wisconsin Election Commission committed voter fraud across the entire state! They are on video acknowledging the...
Americans are finally stating the obvious: that Trump won the 2020 election. Also Mike Lindell give an update on the evidence of the stolen election and the November 23rd...
Starting On November 23rd the Supreme Court will have to decide if it will hear the evidence of election fraud. We will find out how many corrupt judges are...
There is Video of an FBI informant starting the attack on the capitol. There is another video of him plotting the attack the night before it happened. DISCLAIMER: Views...
My freedom doesn’t stop because someone is a scaredy cat. If you are afraid, lock yourself in your house and leave other people alone. If FREEDOM is scary to...
Numbers will tell the truth in the end. Globalists will say high death rates after the vaccine is just a coincidence. What do you think? DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions...
It may sound like an over the top statement, but it is the truth. We need righteous Indignation! Kids must be protected! DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The...
God didn’t create you to act like a fool, he made you better than that. Start caring about what God thinks of you and not what liberals think. DISCLAIMER:...
China secretly tests a doomsday weapon. Our enemies have used Biden to weaken America, and they are preparing to destroy us once and for all. Yet most Americans won’t...
Liberals have successfully destroyed everyone’s constitutional rights and they are never going to stop. Video Clips Shown In Video:00:19 Tucker Carlson: There are two systems of justice of republicans...
If you wanted to spread another virus, what would be a good event to release it? Also, Australia continues to push full blown communism. DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed...
The Evil Globalists do not think or believe like you. You must know what they believe in to know what they are willing to do. DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions...