The Great Sports Reset: The UN Plan to Use Athletics in Their Push to “Build Back Better”
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With so many of the world’s leaders and institutions ready to sign on to World Economic Forum boss Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset,” we should not be surprised that the world of athletics will be among them. At least, that’s what a new UN advocacy brief is calling for.

Recovering Better: Sport for Development and Peace Reopening, Recovery and Resilience Post COVID-19” spells out the ways that the sports we watch and participate in can help to usher in the brave new world that Schwab and other prominent globalists wish to foist upon us, whether we like it or not.

Sprinkled throughout with globalist buzz words such as “sustainable,” “transformative,” and “inclusive,” the document lays out how sports can be “an ends and a means in the recovery from the impacts of COVID-19.”

“The multifaceted and unprecedented impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have torn at the already fraying social fabric, deepening inequalities, sharpening divides and heralding a need for transformative change,” writes UN Secretary General António Guterres in the forward for the brief.

“The world of sport was among those sectors most visibly affected — both hard and early. Already a pioneer and promoter of inclusive and sustainable development in an unstable and unequal world, the sporting world must now redefine and redesign itself, not only to improve its resilience to future shocks, but to broaden its contribution to the world’s efforts to meet the Sustainable Development Goals,” wrote Guterres.

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Sports was indeed one of the most visible ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic affected us all. Only a day after the World Health Organization (WHO) belatedly declared the coronavirus a pandemic, the National Basketball Association in the United States became the first major sports league to interrupt its season after a player tested positive for the virus. Shortly after the NBA stopped play, every other major sports entity in the world fell quickly into line, suspending play and canceling or postponing their seasons.

As much as masks, social distancing, and lockdowns, the disruption of our sporting events made the COVID-19 pandemic real to many of us.

The UN advocacy brief focuses on how the sports world can become good global citizens in a number of ways. First, it can assist in the UN’s efforts to implement Agenda 2030.

From the brief: “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes sport as an important enabler of sustainable development. It highlights the growing contribution of sport to the realization of development and peace in its promotion of tolerance and respect.”

Sports can be used, the brief contends, to “be vehicles to develop and bolster the social and emotional skills in children and young people.” In addition, sports can be used for “promoting positive behavioral changes, public health practices and social safety measures, and for de-stigmatizaton of mental health issues.”

In addition, according to the UN, sports can be a way to promote “gender equality,” reduce inequality, promote “sustainable cities and communities,” and be a strong voice for “climate action.”

The United Nations is not the only group looking to turn sports into good global citizens. The Sustainable Sport Research Collective was established in the summer of 2020 in order to advocate the integration of environmental sustainability into the sports world. Among their goals is for the sports world to achieve “gender balance at all levels of management,” “net-positive water impact,” “zero waste to landfill,” and “land degradation neutrality.”

Speaking as a lover of sports, I don’t watch them for the messages they promote or for their environmental consciousness. I watch sports to see if my favorite team wins. As a matter of fact, when I see obvious political and cultural messages written on the fields and playing surfaces, it offends me and makes me less inclined to casually view sports.

And many agree with that opinion. After the NBA returned in their “bubble” format this summer, ratings for the games dropped significantly, largely due to the Black Lives Matter sign written prominently in the middle of the court. Similar ratings drops occurred in Major League Baseball and the National Football League when controversial slogans were printed on those fields of play.

Sports already champions many positive messages, including fair play, sportsmanship, healthy lifestyles, and high achievement. Can’t that be enough?

Rest assured, if there’s an institution that you love — be it sports, religion, entertainment, or whatever — the globalists want to get their hooks into it, and by extension, into you.