Prelude to Persecution? Left Says Trump Can’t Be Trusted With National Secrets After Presidency
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Democrats have a new talking point to give themselves cover for continuing to harass President Trump even if he leaves the White House.

Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) said on MSNBC’s PoliticsNation on Saturday that he does not believe the president can be trusted with the nation’s secrets during his post-presidency.

Cleaver told host Al Sharpton that he anticipated President Trump using what he has learned for his own financial benefit.

“Well, you know, I think Donald Trump can’t be trusted with the secrets of second graders,” Cleaver said. “I think he will reveal anything that comes out, particularly if he thinks it is at his advantage. And now, because of his $300 to $400 million debt, we don’t know where that president might allow this information to drop. It is going to be quite interesting. We’re going to have to go into a SCIF, members of the Homeland Security Committee, to find out more about what happened in Iran this past week.”

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The congressman continued:

But to be sure, I don’t think that President Biden is required to provide him with any access to the intelligence information. And what we find out in the SCIF may confirm what I believe. I wouldn’t trust him with telling him that somebody, you know, stole a pop out of a vending machine if it saved their lives. I just don’t think this man cares about anything except himself. And that’s what’s so sad because, you know, he’s been given the highest authority, the highest level of belief from people in the political process to him, and he has done nothing except demonstrated to the whole world that he doesn’t deserve it.

The sentiment has been echoed all across the mainstream media. A piece at NBC News is titled “When he leaves office, can ex-President Trump be trusted with America’s national security secrets?”

“With Trump’s real estate empire under financial pressure and his brand suffering, [former intelligence officials] worry he will see American secrets as a profit center,” the article reads.

“This is not something that one could have ever imagined with other presidents, but it’s easy to imagine with this one,” said Jack Goldsmith, who worked as a senior Justice Department official in the George W. Bush administration.

“He’s shown as president that he doesn’t take secret-keeping terribly seriously,” Goldsmith said in an interview. “He has a known tendency to disrespect rules related to national security. And he has a known tendency to like to sell things that are valuable to him.”

Who are these “experts” quoted by the mainstream media? Goldsmith’s work for George W. Bush should tell you all you need to know; these are Deep State assets less concerned with national security than they are with preserving the interests of the establishment they serve. And no individual today is a greater threat to the establishment’s interests than Donald Trump.

Business Insider has reported that Democrats plan to continue investigating the president even if Joe Biden ultimately wins and Trump leaves the White House.

As the outlet notes, “Lawmakers armed with subpoena power could also turn up information that federal prosecutors might not know about as the Justice Department under Joe Biden weighs whether to pursue a criminal case against Trump, who as a former president will no longer have immunity from such matters.”

Additionally, “Democrats may also get a helping hand in their efforts once Biden gets sworn in and installs new leadership atop the federal government. At that point, agencies like the IRS and Treasury that have often ignored record requests from House lawmakers over the past four years could start sending them reams of long sought-after documents.”

The Left can’t wait to see the president reduced to an ordinary citizen, without the powers that currently allow him to fight off their efforts. These are the same people who repeatedly said it was inappropriate for the president to probe a political rival (Joe Biden, over his family connections to Ukraine).

If Democrats have their way, they will turn the next four years into one long bout of “payback” against President Trump’s supporters.

Earlier this month, CNN host Jake Tapper made that clear when he called for Trump supporters to concede or be blacklisted. Lest they be lulled by Joe Biden’s hypocritical calls for “unity” (by which he means “get with the socialist program or else!”), patriots should remember that leftists have openly said they want to put anyone to the right of Karl Marx in gulags.