Michigan GOP Aims to Impeach COVID Con Artist Gretchen Whitmer
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Engaged citizens have long tired of COVID-ritual-preaching politicians, such as Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and Lori Lightfoot, who advocate regulating others’ lives but then violate their own supposed principles. Now one of these hypocritical officeholders — Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer — is being held to account. For state GOP legislators are finally launching an effort to impeach her after she issued new China-virus restrictions on Sunday.

Whitmer, one of the few governors who killed nursing-home residents by commanding their facilities to accept coronavirus-positive patients, didn’t shrink from imposing onerous, irrational, and unscientific restrictions on Michiganders. For example, the stone-faced politician issued an April executive order that, among other things, compelled large stores to cordon off areas “dedicated to the following classes of goods”: “Carpet or flooring,” “Furniture,” “Garden centers and plant nurseries,” and “Paint.”

Moreover, the order also banned travel to “vacation rentals” and “between two residences” within Michigan, though a person could still travel to another home outside the state (even Whitmer was smart enough to realize that trying to control interstate travel would cause her problems).

Yet, strikingly, this didn’t stop Whitmer’s husband, Marc Mallory, from seeking to go on a Memorial Day vacation to a Michigan home the couple own 150 miles from their Lansing residence.

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The Michigan Supreme Court finally struck down Whitmer’s executive orders in early October, finding that she’d acted unconstitutionally and overstepped her authority. Despite this, she forged ahead with Sunday’s orders, even though they very much mirror her April trespass, according to MLive. “The restrictions will take effect on Wednesday, Nov. 18, and last through the Thanksgiving holiday and until Dec. 8,” the site continues.

But the governor might finally have gone a bridge too far. As The Hill reports, “Michigan state Rep. Matt Maddock (R) said on Sunday that he and a ‘growing list of Michigan Legislators’ will work to impeach Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D).”

“Maddock said fellow Republican state Reps. Daire Rendon, Beau LaFave, Ryan Berman, Shane Hernandez and John Reilly were among the lawmakers who would pursue Whitmer’s impeachment,” the site adds. As the legislator tweeted:

“This announcement comes a day after Michigan health officials announced new, targeted restrictions set to begin on Wednesday that affect bars, restaurants and schools,” The Hill also informs. “Restaurants and bars will be allowed to operate only outdoor dining, and all high school and college classes must be conducted remotely.”

The latter prohibition ignores the fact that, according to the CDC, people aged zero to 19 who contract the China virus have a 99.997 percent survival rate; the flu is deadlier for the young. As for restaurants, 100,000 of them had already closed nationwide just six months into the “pandemic” due to government overreach.

The Hill mentions as well that the China virus is spiking in Michigan. This is true around the Western world and is not surprising, given that it’s “flu” season. Yet we can’t actually trust the numbers because, first, SARS-CoV-2 tests may be unreliable; and, second, deaths from other causes are often being included in COVID mortality stats.

For example, the CDC just admitted that more than 51,000 deaths from heart attacks and 88,208 from pneumonia and influenza have been attributed to coronavirus, according to OAN (video below). This would mean that the actual number of COVID deaths is below 100,000.

Despite this, Whitmer’s press secretary, Tiffany Brown, responded to the impeachment effort by saying, “Governor Whitmer doesn’t have any time for partisan politics or people who don’t wear masks [including Pelosi?], don’t believe in science, and don’t have a plan to fight this virus,” The Hill also related.

Of course, Whitmer has “a plan” — just not a good one — and she may believe in science, but it doesn’t show. For many studies indicate that masks, when prescribed for entire populations, are largely ineffective at preventing virus contraction and that lockdowns do more harm than good.

The establishment scientific obscurantism has raised suspicion as to motive, and this certainly is warranted. After all, you can know someone’s running a game on you when he continually changes his story and moves the goalposts. A case in point is the Four Stages of the COVID Con:

  • Restrictions were first supposed to be in place just for about two weeks, they told us, to “flatten the curve.”
  • Yet when it was clear the healthcare system wouldn’t be overwhelmed — and that models showing it would be were flawed, even those factoring in mitigation efforts — we heard Justification B. To wit: We can’t “reopen” until we have 14 straight days of declining infections.
  • It still wasn’t good enough when this was achieved, though, which gave us Justification C, that we can’t reopen until there’s a vaccine.
  • But now that a 90-plus-percent-effective vaccine is poised for introduction next month, we have (and we’d heard this a while ago, in fact) Justification D: We can never return to normal. Why? Oh, just because…

Now maybe it’s clear why many suspect that pandemic restrictions aren’t at all about saving lives (this isn’t a stretch given that Branch Covidian politicians generally tolerate prenatal infanticide up to birth), but something else:

A desire to use the China virus as a pretext for, well, making us more like China.

This remaking of the Western world into a more top-down, command-and-control, low-liberty civilization with “re-imagined economic systems” has been called the “Great Reset.” If this sounds like a tin-foil-hat conspiracy theory, know that it was explicitly espoused by left-wing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a September United Nations speech. Commentator Tucker Carlson reported on Monday, November 16. View segment here.

In reality, we need only reset our leftist politicians and — this is the tough part — the people who vote for them.