Video - The New American
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New American Video

The Insurance Fraud-Based Economy

Leading insurer AIG ensured that the US economy would collapse in 2008 over sub-prime mortgages. What is less known is that the founder...

Harvard Bets Against America

After the Global Central Bankers created “Catastrophe Bonds” in 2017, they invented a permutation known as the “Pandemic Bond” the next year. Investors...

Churches vs. Deep State?

Churches and Christian leaders are increasingly standing up against the Deep State and its anti-biblical behavior, potentially marking a sea change in the...


According to Thomas Hobbes in the 1600s, republics are internally turbulent, which causes them to unify only when there is an external enemy....

Save Our Children | Beyond the Cover

In the premiere episode of Beyond the Cover, Gary Benoit interviews FreedomProject Academy Director Dr. Duke Pesta about why parents should immediatelty get their...