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As expected, Joe Biden delivered a stunningly dishonest State of the Union address (SOTU) last night. 

He falsely accused Republicans of wanting to wreck Medicare and Social Security, which inspired the only high point of the speech when Republicans loudly protested. And he patted himself on the back for decreasing the inflation his policies partly caused.

But those are typical and generally harmless Democratic talking points that no one believes.

Biden also repeated the lie from Black Lives Matter and other anti-cop, anti-white groups that blacks must fear the police, and provided further evidence that he has dementia.

“The Talk”

Biden shot at the police when he discussed Tyre Nichols, the 29-year-old black man who died three days after five black cops assaulted him during a traffic stop.

Nichols’ parents were in the audience and provided the chance for Biden to suggest that blacks are right to fear the police, although he didn’t mention race … and didn’t have to. 

“Imagine what it’s like to lose a child at the hands of the law,” Biden began. “Imagine having to worry whether your son or daughter will come home from walking down the street or playing in the park or just driving their car.”

But then he dipped his bucket into the well of anti-cop mythology and brought up something called the “The Talk,” a supposed conversation that black parents must have with their kids about racism and, of course, about cops always on the lookout for an innocent black kid to kill:

I’ve never had to have the talk with my children — Beau, Hunter, and Ashley — that so many Black and Brown families have had with their children.

If a police officer pulls you over, turn on your interior lights. Don’t reach for your license. Keep your hands on the steering wheel.

Imagine having to worry like that every day in America.

Of course, Biden didn’t say that blacks aren’t the only motorists who should follow that advice when police pull them over.

The National Highway Safety Administration (NHSA) explains “how to handle being pulled over.”

“Pull over to the right side of the road as soon as it’s safe to do so,” Step 1 says, and “turn off your vehicle,” Step 2 continues. Then:

Step 3: To show that you do not pose a threat to the officer, put both hands on your steering wheel. If it’s after dark, turn on the interior light of your vehicle. Do not search for vehicle documents until the officer asks you to—he might misinterpret your purpose for reaching into the glove compartment. [Emphasis added.]

Step 4: Wait for the officer to come over to your vehicle. He or she will approach your car window and ask for certain documents. Most state laws require that you show your driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance. Give your name and address if requested. The officer may also ask you to step out of the car.

Step 5: The officer will inform you why you were stopped.

NHSA does not direct this information to blacks alone, and illustrates its advice with a photo of a cop and a white motorist.

If Biden and his handlers didn’t know that, they likely relied on anti-cop propagandists or Wikipedia’s entry on “The Talk” for the list of dos and don’ts during a police stop. If they did know, then Biden told a bald-faced lie.

That wasn’t Biden’s only fib, but it might have been the most dangerous and destructive. The president reinforced the falsehood that cops, particularly white cops, routinely prowl for innocent blacks to harass and perhaps even kill.

Biden said cops need better training, which might be true except for one thing in this case: Memphis police are investigating a report that Nichols was involved with the ex-wife or ex-girlfriend of one of the officers fired and charged with second-degree murder, Demetrius Haley. Nichols’ parents deny the claim.

Sundowning Again?

The bad-cop lie was only one problem with the speech. Biden slurred a key but meaningless applause line, and then began yelling about Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

The SOTU as prepared includes this line: “Make no mistake, if you try to do anything to raise the cost of prescription drugs, I will veto it.”

Biden said this: 

Make no mistake, if you try to do anything to raise the cost of perschmipshundrugsh, I will veto it.

And that was just one of the lines Biden slurred or garbled.

When Biden discussed autocracies, he lost his temper.

“Autocracies have grown weaker, not stronger,” he said before he ad-libbed this bizarre line, like an angry old man shouting at the clouds:

“Name me a world leader who changed places with Xi Jinping,” he said. “Name me one!” he shouted. “NAME ME ONE!

The confused, irrational outburst is strong evidence that Biden is sundowning, the late afternoon/early evening confusion and irritation in those who suffer dementia.

Biden’s dementia has been a concern, even among leftists, for some time.

He frequently tells stories about himself that are untrue, another dementia symptom called false memories. He requires specific directions to get through speeches and public events, and often seems to wander aimlessly.

And again, he frequently slurs and garbles through public remarks, and laughs inappropriately.

Born the day the Siege of Malta ended during World War II, Biden will be 82 years old in 2024.

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