South Dakota and South Carolina Vow to Protect the Unborn
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Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

A family is stranded in Austin, Texas, in a hotel room with no electricity, water, or food. They have three coats between them to stay warm and are sustaining their three-year-old daughter with potato crisps. Meanwhile, Vogue magazine suggests Americans help Texans struggling to cope through the historic winter storm that has claimed 21 lives so far by donating to Fund Texas Choice, “a nonprofit that pays for Texans’ travel to abortion clinics.” This illustrates the striking contrast between the way average Americans and the liberal elite view the value of human life and how we should help one another in a crisis, and many Americans would find what Vogue recommends highly offensive.

But the Left is largely devoid of religion and morality, so it’s not surprising. Currently, our left-wing government is deceptively promoting abortion within the new multi-trillion dollar coronavirus spending bill.

On February 16, when asked by a reporter whether Americans’ tax dollars will fund abortions as part of the new stimulus package, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said, “Three-quarters of the public supports the components of the package, want to see the pandemic get under control, want to see people put back to work, vaccines in arms, so I think that answers your question.”

Yet a deeper dive into Psaki’s statistics illustrates that the national poll she referenced, conducted by Quinnipiac University, surveyed a small sample of 1,075 Americans, proving that the astounding assertion that the majority of Americans approve of the bill is nothing more than propaganda. What Psaki failed to mention is that another Marist poll, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, found that “more than three-quarters support significant restrictions on abortion.”

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President Biden, reportedly a devout Catholic, may have once supported the Hyde Amendment, banning the use of federal funds to perform abortions except in emergency situations to save the mother’s life or in instances of rape or incest. Yet, as Lila Rose, founder of the national nonprofit Live Action, pointed out in an interview with NTD News on January 17, Biden denounced his support of Hyde during his presidential campaign and, according to Rose, is “even more pro-abortion than when he served as vice president under President Barack Obama.”

Rose slammed the administration’s reversal of the Mexico City policy, prohibiting taxpayer funding of groups that perform abortions or abortion counseling, and admonished Biden’s use of the Christian religion “as a cover for his extreme policies and his promotion of abortion…. It’s simply the worst kind of lie. It’s the worst kind of violence, it’s what needs to be exposed,” said Rose.

In a scathing review of Vice President Kamala Harris’s “warpath against pro-lifers while serving as attorney general of California,” Rose recalled how then-senator Harris sent state agents to raid the apartment of a pro-life journalist, David Daleiden, who today faces a possible ninth felony charge for his undercover investigation exposing Planned Parenthood. Rose also warned Americans of former California attorney general Xavier Becerra’s pending appointment as Biden’s secretary of health and human services, citing his filing of criminal charges against two pro-life activists in California and his forcing of pregnancy centers to post abortion advertisements in their clinics.

While conservatives may be tempted at this point to recoil and retreat to their respective corner in the room, they should be encouraged by two pieces of good news for the pro-life movement this week.

On Wednesday, February 17, the South Dakota legislature introduced House Bill 1100, prohibiting abortions of unborn children with Down syndrome. The bill states that “any person who violates the law is guilty of a Class Six felony.” Yet it specifies that the mother, whether intentionally or unintentionally, who undergoes an abortion will not be penalized. Physicians performing the abortion as well as the abortion facility will face prosecution. Abortions are allowed to save the life of a mother who is endangered by the pregnancy.

Sue Liebel, state policy director of the Susan B. Anthony List, testified at Wednesday’s hearing in support of the bill. “Down syndrome should never be a death sentence, especially in a society like ours that prides itself on diversity and inclusiveness…. Here in the United States, as many as 67 percent of unborn babies diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted. It is time our laws caught up with basic compassion and overwhelming public opinion,” said Liebel.

As noted by the Federalist, South Dakota Republican Governor Kristi Noem called for the bill in her “State of the State” address in January: “European countries, like Iceland and Denmark, are on pace to virtually eliminate children with Down syndrome…. They do this one way and one way only: through abortion. As South Dakotans, frankly, as human beings, we should all be appalled by this. We are better than that.”  

Similarly, “There’s a lot of happy hearts beating across South Carolina right now,” Republican Governor Henry McMaster said during a signing ceremony approving the South Carolina Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act, after it passed the state House by a vote of 74-39 on February 18. The bill requires physicians to check for a fetal heartbeat via ultrasound. “If a heartbeat is found, the abortion can only be performed if the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest, if there is a fetal anomaly, or if the mother’s life is in danger,” according to Charlie Kirk.

As the Left’s vicious attacks on innocent human life persist through harmful government policy, pro-lifers must consider their role vital to restoring the civil rights of the unborn and combat these heinous ideas claiming the lives of millions of children in the womb every year.