Defund the Police Is a Failure Leading to a Growing Refund the Police Movement
The “Defund the Police” movement — once embraced by prominent liberal politicians — appears to be imploding. ...
The “Defund the Police” movement — once embraced by prominent liberal politicians — appears to be imploding. ...
Chicago’s criminals celebrated Memorial Day with almost three dozen shootings that left three people dead. ...
A major reason the D-Day invasion of Normandy succeeded is that, by cleverly getting the Germans to accept misinformation, the Allies fooled them into sending resources to unnecessary areas. This is...
Some demons are about to be unleashed on the City of Angels’ streets, courtesy of a George Soros-bought district attorney who appears to believe his role is to pander to and...
Headlines in the leftist mainstream media are reporting what they want consumers to believe is breaking news about Hunter Biden and his dealings with Communist China. The FBI is investigating money-laundering...
The Crypto Wars are heating back up. As Ed Snowden’s revelations about mass digital surveillance caused citizens in America and around the world to realize just how much governments spy on...
If the saying “as California goes, there goes the nation” is true, then we are in serious trouble. Election Integrity Project California (EIPCa), a non-partisan group working to monitor the election...
A group of Christians and Jews is once more taking New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to court for imposing harsher COVID-19 restrictions on religious institutions than on businesses — the same...
Following Wednesday’s release of Congress’ report on Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings while his father was President Obama’s vice president, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said he would refer it to the Department...