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Are Humans Being Turned Into Routers?

Ever since the rollout of injectable therapeutics subsequent to the pandemic, individuals have noticed that they’re picking up people on their phones when they scan in Bluetooth mode. They’re seeing so-called “mac addresses” that seem to be associated with the human beings, as if they’re trackable electronic devices. Has the Establishment been insinuating chemicals that make people conductive into intravenous medical treatments to act as an electronic tracing tag?

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on Under The Iceberg are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

The CERN Conspiracy

In light of the recent destruction of the Georgia Guidestones a day after CERN (the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator) turned back on, a possible connection is explored — not only between CERN and the Georgia Guidestones, but between both structures and Stonehenge. To get to the bottom of that mysterious connection is to get closer to understanding what CERN really is.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on Under The Iceberg are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

The Tattoo Conspiracy

The media is now promoting new medical tattoos that have graphene in them and can transmit information remotely using radio frequencies. Baruch Goldstein, who runs one such startup, calls these tattoos “cutaneous sensors”. Question: In the last few decades the composition of tattoo ink has changed dramatically to include heavy metals that have conductive faculties and neurological applications. Is it possible that modern tattoos have been used as a second neurological system grafted over your own in a bid to manipulate individuals via radio frequency? As crazy as this sounds at first, this podcast covers the history of corporate and government experimentation in this direction.


Penny Kelly wrote a fascinating book some decades ago, which predicted events that seem to be happening today. Entitled “Robes,” the book offers a roadmap of occurrences that stretch out beyond the current time-period and extend into the centuries beyond. In the interview, she discusses the seemingly paranormal background that informed these striking visions of the World To Come.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on Under The Iceberg are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

The Wormpill Conspiracy

Do parasites affect human cognition? And, if so, are the Powers That Be encouraging the populace to be infected with parasites as a form of mass manipulation? For instance, meat is being discouraged. Insects are being suggested as a food source. The problem? Insects are filled with parasites. Are various medications also infected with parasites? If so, what’s going on?

The Metaverse

Facebook, Microsoft and other companies are racing to create a digital simulacrum of the real world based on virtual reality. What are the sociological implications for a society which blurs reality and fantasy?

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on Under The Iceberg are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.


According to certain futurists, we are approaching ‘The Singularity,’ after which man will be deflected by technology onto a different evolutionary path. Certain individuals and institutions want to hasten that paradigm shift, and shape it. But at what cost?

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on Under The Iceberg are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.


The government created the HAARP program to shoot beams into the ionosphere of the planet and to see how it could (in theory) affect weather patterns. Is this technology being used for nefarious purposes?

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on Under The Iceberg are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

 In 1887, a group of occultists created a mystery school calling its “The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn”. Many cultural figures that exerted a great influence on our society passed through its doors. They would go on to spread its message of yoga, tarot cards and astral projection to the wider culture. It was the birth of what we today call “The New Age” movement. But this movement was not relegated to mere eccentrics and adepts of the occult. It spread far beyond the shadowy doors of the mystery school and influenced many institutions that hold sway today.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on Under The Iceberg are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

Artificial Intelligence

This episode of Under the Iceberg covers the subject of artificial intelligence. Are we heading toward what futurists call The Singularity, and if so, what dangers might we encounter as a species? With heavy hitters like Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk setting up dire warnings, our panel decided to turn the issue over in our minds.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on Under The Iceberg are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

Majestic 12

In 1984, Jaime Shandera and Bill Moore received a package with no return address on it, containing a roll of 35-millimeter film. On  the film were what purported to be 8 pages of a Presidential briefing document, which seemed to allude to a secret advisory board composed of twelve members. Now known as ‘Majestic 12,’ these men were charged, after the Roswell incident in 1947, with retrieving any alien technology and reverse-engineering it to give the United States a tactical military advantage over geopolitical competitors. Were the documents that Shandera and Moore received authentic? If not, then what was the impetus behind the hoax?

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on Under The Iceberg are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

Electromagnetic Fields and the Human Body

When Michael Faraday described magnetic fields in the 19th Century, he was ridiculed by the Scientific community. They said that he was describing “influence at a distance,” which they equated with magic. Sir Isaac Newton received the same treatment in the 1680s for suggesting that gravitational fields exist. The idea of “invisible forces” influencing matter was abhorrent to many people in Science. Nevertheless fields exist, and they do interact with matter. That being the case, how much are human cells affected by electromagnetic fields? What is the secret that DNA holds as it shifts under the influence of EMF?

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on Under The Iceberg are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

Closer Encounters

In this episode of Under The Iceburg, Author Jason Reza Jorjani tells all on his new book “Closer Encounters”. It’s a work inspired by the government’s recent half-hearted disclosure attempts on the UFO phenomena, and how it’s largely a white-wash and cover-up.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on Under The Iceberg are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented. 

Introducing Under the Iceberg

Under the Iceberg is a podcast dedicated to deliberation about various famous . . . and not so famous . . . conspiracy theories. Its’ panel takes apart celebrated urban legends, historical narratives and political events, and gives you unique spins on fascinating topics.  From the Bermuda Triangle to the Kennedy Assassination to Black Eyed Kids, What you see above the threshold of perception is the trivial, the obvious. Whereas whats really happening is occurring below the surface . . . under the iceberg. 

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on Under The Iceberg are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.