Stacey Abrams Joins Globalist Elite, Anointed by CFR, Bilderberg Group

The Fake News organs that regularly shower Stacey Abrams with adulatory coverage are now mum about her entry into the secretive, shadowy corridors of power.


Stacey Abrams has really arrived. The former Minority Leader of the Georgia House of Representatives and the Democrat Party candidate in the 2018, hotly-contested Georgia gubernatorial election, Abrams scored a double anointing by major globalist groups during the month of May. First, on May 10, she was chosen to deliver the keynote address at the Council on Foreign Relations’ Seventh Annual Conference on Diversity in International Affairs. She received the royal rock star treatment during that conference, as the great and the good packed into “A Conversation With Stacey Abrams,” a Q&A session emceed by New York Times reporter and editorial board member Eduardo Porter.

Then, on May 28 the Bilderberg Group issued a press release announcing its annual conference, which this year is taking place May 30-June 2 in Montreux, Switzerland. Accompanying the release is a list of the participants, an A-list of some of the planet’s wealthiest and most influential movers and shakers in the worlds of banking, business, media, academia, and politics, as Bob Adelmann noted in a May 29 report for The New American. And lo and behold, heading the list is none other than Stacey Abrams. Quite a coup for an unemployed former minor politician.

Being invited to join the CFR is a big thing in a politico’s career, signifying that one has received the Deep State’s basic seal of approval. Abrams is not merely a CFR member, but as the following will show, she has been selected and groomed for special boosting by the CFR’s network of power, including the Brookings Institution, the Aspen Institute, TED Talks, PowerPAC+, the Fake News media matrix, and now, of course, Bilderberg.

Concerning the CFR’s immense power in our federal government, New York Times writer Anthony Lukas noted in 1971:

When Henry Stimson — the group’s quintessential member — went to Washington in 1940 as [FDR’s] Secretary of War, he took with him John McCloy, who was to become Assistant Secretary in charge of personnel [as well as a member, director, and then chairman of the CFR]. McCloy has recalled: “Whenever we needed a man we thumbed through the roll of the Council members and put through a call to New York.” And over the years, the men McCloy called in turn called other Council members.

And those “calls” resulted in hundreds of CFR members occupying top positions in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of our government (see here and here). CFR member Richard Barnet wrote in 1972 that “failure to be asked to be a member of the Council has been regarded for a generation as a presumption of unsuitability for high office in the national security bureaucracy.”

In a now-infamous July 2009 speech at the CFR’s new Washington, D.C., headquarters (see video here), then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton referred to the CFR’s New York headquarters as her “mother ship” and said she was so pleased that the organization had opened a new office just down the street in the nation’s capital so that she and other officials wouldn’t have so far to go “to be told what we should be doing and how we should think.”

In his opening question for Abrams, Porter cheekily noted that he would “be remiss as a journalist not to start this conversation by asking THE question — (laughter) — that everybody is asking. (Cheers, applause.) What are the plans for 2020 — (laughter) — Senate, vice presidential options, something else?”

The question was obviously meant to deal with the ongoing speculation over whether former Vice President Joe Biden, currently the Democratic frontrunner, would formally invite her to be his vice presidential running mate. And, if so, would she accept the invitation, or decide to throw her own hat into the already crowded ring.

Abrams responded:

OK. (Laughter.) I’m going to tell you a secret I’ve told no one else. (Laughter.) OK, if you believe that I’ve got a bridge to sell you. (Laughter.)

No, look, I gave a lot of thought to the U.S. Senate. I recognized the critical nature of the Senate, the role it plays not only in promoting our ideals and concretizing them in legislation but also the role it plays in shaping our judiciary and protecting our values. However, I do not believe that you run for office simply because an office is there. An office is a job. And the skills for that job are important, but so is the intentionality of that job.

My particular set of skills, I think — (laughs) — certainly could help me win that election. But when I thought about doing that job and that being the new path I would take — because it is a different career path; it’s six years, twelve years, eighteen years—the Senate was not the right place for me. My bent for most of my adult life has been systems — figuring out how do you organize systems to create change, to structure and promote the ideals that I hold to be true. And there are a set of jobs that I think best leverage that. I’ve created organizations such as the New Georgia Project, and most recently Fair Fight Action and Fair Count, to tackle the issues that I see. And those tend to be more executive-level jobs.

While not stating definitely one way or the other what her plans are right now, Abrams went on to say, “I don’t think you run for second place, so I am not running on a ticket with anyone in the primary.”

“But,” she continued, “if I decide not to run and someone wins and decides they like me, I am open to conversation after June. (Laughter.) And there still is a state of Georgia and it does need a governor, and so I’m looking at that too. (Cheers, applause).”

Abrams spent a great deal of her “conversation” with the CFR crowd indicting President Trump for “racism and xenophobia and sexism and anti — and homophobia, misogyny, ”as well as stating and restating her incendiary (and discredited) charges that Republicans are engaged in systematic and aggressive “voter suppression” aimed at disenfranchising “people of color.” Her claim that the Georgia governorship was stolen from her is regularly echoed not only by Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, and the nattering nabobs at CNN, MSNBC, and Democracy Now!, but also by much of the rest of the CFR-dominate “mainstream” media as well.

The Grooming of Stacey Abrams

Some time back, obviously, the globalists’ talent agents spotted Abrams as an articulate, marketable commodity who could effectively play the race card. A noteworthy milestone in her vita includes being selected in 2013 by Aspen Global Leaders Network (AGLN) to be a member of the Aspen Institute’s Rodel Fellowship Class of 2013.

She was also chosen as a keynote speaker at the 2014 PowerPac+ conference entitled “Race Will Win the Race: The Progressive Path to Victory.” As one might gather from the conference title, the power-mad folks at PowerPAC+ don’t mind being explicitly and shamelessly racist, as long as exploiting race results in “progressive” victories. PowerPAC+ is the very serious hobby horse of radical activist Steven Phillips and his billionaire heiress wife, Susan Sandler. According to Ballotpedia, Sandler’s PowerPac+ pumped $10 million into supporting Abram’s campaign, while George Soros (CFR) dropped $1 million into the Georgia Democratic Party to aid her.

Other globalist feathers in Abrams’ cap include: her TED Talk in December 2018; being chosen to deliver the Democrat Party’s response to President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union; and an appearance at the Brookings Institution in February 2019 for another “conversation” with the ruling elites on “Race and political power in the United States.”

Topping it off is her appearance in the truly rarefied atmosphere of Bilderberg, where she can rub elbows with the wealthiest of the “1 percent” while decrying “income inequality,” which is probably her second-most frequent go-to theme, after voter suppression.

Photo of Stacey Abrams: AP Images

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