Italy to Mandate “Climate Change” Instruction for All Students

Italy will become the first country in the world to mandate that schools indoctrinate students in the climate-change agenda, Education Minister Lorenzo Fioramonti announced recently.

Fioramonti, a member of the left-wing Five-Star Movement who wants schools to remove crucifixes from their classrooms, has no problem introducing what he admits is a “Trojan horse” that will “infiltrate” all school courses with the climate-change faith, according to the New York Times.

Fioramonti’s mandate, which he claims is permitted under a law passed last year, requires students to have 33 hours of climate-change and “environmental sustainability” instruction each school year beginning next September, reported the paper. “That 33-hour-a-year lesson, he said, will be used as a pilot program to ultimately fold the climate agenda of the United Nations into the entire curriculum.”

In other words, under the guise of studying math, science, or geography, students will be actually be inculcated with propaganda about the so-called climate emergency and the solutions to the alleged crisis — including population control, carbon taxes, and global wealth redistribution — offered by “experts” such as Jeffrey Sachs of the Harvard Institute for International Development and Kate Raworth of Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute, both of whom will be advising the ministry as it prepares its curriculum.

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“The entire ministry is being changed to make sustainability and climate the center of the education model,” Fioramonti told Reuters. “I want to make the Italian education system the first education system that puts the environment and society at the core of everything we learn in school.”

Fioramonti described his vision for climate-change indoctrination to the Times:

For children age 6 to 11, he said, “we are thinking of using the fairy-tale model,” in which stories from different cultures would emphasize a connection to the environment. Middle schoolers would be expected to learn more technical information, and high school students would explore the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in depth.

The New American reported that the 2030 Agenda is a “practically undisguised roadmap to global socialism and corporatism/fascism,” so it comes as no surprise that a progressive such as Fioramonti would be an enthusiastic booster of it. “The 21st century citizen,” he told the Times, “must be a sustainable citizen.”

Indeed, Fioramonti is for very big government. He has pushed new taxes on airline tickets, plastic, sugary foods, gambling, and oil drilling. He also encouraged students to skip school to participate in September’s climate protests.

Italian environmentalist organizations are not quite as enamored of Fioramonti’s education plan as he is. Edoardo Zanchini, vice president of Legambiente, Italy’s largest green group, told the Times that while teaching children about climate change is “certainly very important,” the world “cannot wait for the next generation” to address the alleged crisis. Meanwhile, Chicco Testa, president of Assombiente, urged the government not to teach just one side of the climate debate. “To listen to people who say different things is good,” he said. “What the UN says is not gospel.”

That, of course, is anathema to true believers such as Fioramonti. Referring to an incident during a cold spell last May when then-Interior Minister Matteo Salvini of the nationalist League party mocked the idea of global warming, Fioramonti told the Times, “That’s the kind of nonsense we want to avoid by educating children that this is the most important challenge humanity has ever faced. And I want to secure this before there is any change in government that can imperil that kind of process.”

The good news for Italians is that the Five-Star-led government is already on shaky ground — Salvini is the most popular politician in the country — and may not remain in power for long, which could put the kibosh on Fioramonti’s plans. “Italy’s many government collapses in recent years have cut short other educational programs,” wrote the Times. “An attempt by a left-leaning government to teach children how to spot disinformation, for example, was discontinued after it lost power.”

A proper, unbiased course in recognizing disinformation, however, could have been beneficial. Then kids would have been able to see through the climate-change hogwash their government intends to feed them.

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