Globalist Gorbachev Defends Putin; USSR Role in EU Revisited

Buried deep within an article by Agence France-Presse about former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev standing up for Russian strongman Vladimir Putin is an absolutely astounding admission: Former top diplomats for the Soviet Union told the French news agency that “the reunification of Germany was allowed on the condition that the USSR would participate in the new European order.”

The revelation is especially explosive considering Gorbachev’s past celebrations of what he publicly called the “new European soviet” — also known as the European Union — as well as the fact that the EU’s leadership is literally packed with “former” communists, many of them from the former Soviet Union. In light of the predictions and arguments made by Soviet defectors and more recent developments surrounding Russia and Europe, the claims make perfect sense, too.

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The AFP article focuses primarily on Gorbachev, who regularly promotes what he and other globalists on both sides of the “East-West” divide refer to as the “New World Order.” The former Soviet dictator’s vocal defense of ex-KGB boss and current Russian President Putin — currently embroiled in high-profile spats with Western governments about Ukraine — also takes center stage. Essentially, Gorbachev plans to use celebrations marking the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, to defend Russia’s new ruler from growing international attacks. Despite Gorbachev’s close ties to the Western establishment which — on the “global stage,” at least — is publicly at odds with Putin, the former Soviet ruler declared that the new Russian ruler is the best man for the job.

“Russia agreed to new relations, (and) created new cooperation structures, and everything would be great but not everyone in the United States liked it,” Gorbachev said in an interview this week with the Interfax news agency before heading to Berlin to meet with German leaders. The U.S. government, he said, has “different plans, they need a different situation, one that would allow them to meddle everywhere. Whether it will be good or bad, they don’t care.” The ex-Soviet leader also said the ongoing crisis in Ukraine offered an “excuse” for the United States to pick on Russia, according to news reports. “I am absolutely convinced that Putin protects Russia’s interests better than anyone else,” Gorbachev said, adding that he would use his upcoming meetings with EU bosses to stand up for Russia and Putin.

Then comes the bombshell in the French news agency’s report. “Former top Soviet diplomats have told AFP that the reunification of Germany was allowed on the condition that the USSR would participate in the new European order,” explained AFP reporter Anna Smolchenko. It was not clear which diplomats she may have interviewed or what precisely that “participation” in the “new European order” was meant to look like. However, despite denials from Western leaders of that period that there was ever any such deals with the Kremlin, a great deal of evidence has existed for decades suggesting that the Soviet participation in Europe’s order was, in fact, even more pronounced than those unnamed diplomats suggest.

According to arguably the most important Soviet defector to the West amid the Cold War, former KGB disinformation specialist Anatoliy Golitsyn, the entire apparent “collapse” of the USSR and the “liberalization” of Eastern Europe was actually a giant fraud. In his book The Perestroika Deception, Golitsyn, whose track record of predictions has been virtually flawless, also argued that the alleged “Sino-Soviet split” used by Western leaders to alternatively offer assistance to both regimes under the guise of fighting the other was entirely fabricated for public consumption via communist disinformation operations. “When the right moment comes the mask will be dropped and the Russians with Chinese help will seek to impose their system on the West on their own terms as the culmination of a ‘Second October Socialist Revolution,’” Golitsyn explained.

In a report this week by The New American’s Christian Gomez, another book by Golitsyn, New Lies For Old, is cited in discussing German reunification, Russian-EU convergence, and the apparent collapse of communist regimes in Eastern Europe. “A broader-scale ‘liberalization’ in the Soviet Union and elsewhere would have an even more profound effect,” explained Golitsyn. “Eurocommunism could be revived. The pressure for united fronts between communist and socialist parties and trade unions at national and international level would be intensified.… The bulk of Europe might well turn to left-wing socialism, leaving only a few pockets of conservative resistance. Pressure could well grow for a solution of the German problem in which some form of confederation between East and West Germany would be combined with neutralization of the whole and a treaty of friendship with the Soviet Union.” That was published in 1984, five years before the Berlin Wall officially came down.

As is well known today, much of the former Soviet empire in Eastern Europe has already been absorbed into the EU, which Gorbachev approvingly referred to as the “new European soviet” during a visit to London. When the communist regimes crumbled, though, unlike the National Socialists in Germany, communist criminals who had engaged in torture, mass-murder, and oppression on a vast scale were never prosecuted or punished. Instead, many re-branded themselves as “ex”-communists and became politicians or bureaucrats. Today, many of those same figures serve in senior posts at the EU or within EU governments. Outside of Eastern Europe, “former” communists who supported the Soviet regime similarly burrowed their way into the fast-expanding super-state that now rules Europe. Until last week, for example, the hybrid executive-legislative branch of the EU, known as the European Commission, was run by “former” Maoist revolutionary Jose Manuel Barroso.

Gorbachev, too, never faded from the global stage or from power after the USSR supposedly collapsed. Instead, his links with Western globalists came out into the open. And even today’s establishment crop of Western anti-Putin crusaders is well-connected with Gorbachev, pushing the same ends — though sometimes using different means. In 1995, fellow globalist and ex-National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, architect of David Rockefeller’s infamous Trilateral Commission, spoke at the 1995 “State of the World Forum” that was convened by Gorbachev and backed by the Rockefellers and other establishment forces in the West. “We do not have a New World Order.… We cannot leap into world government in one quick step,” Brzezinski explained. “In brief, the precondition for eventual globalization — genuine globalization — is progressive regionalization, because thereby we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units.”

Despite the alleged conflict between Putin and the West, both sides are following the script precisely, with the EU crushing national sovereignty in Europe as Putin builds his “Eurasian Union.” Late last month, Putin was touting the strategy, praising “integration associations” and “interaction of regional structures.” Eventually, perhaps after some more conflict and drama to grease the skids, “convergence” is the goal. “We would also welcome the start of a meaningful dialogue between the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union,” Putin said on October 24, pushing for a “common space of economic and humanitarian cooperation from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.” In Africa, the African Union is marching along. In South America, the Union of South American States is too. In fact, all over the world, the process of integration and regionalization on the road to world order is accelerating.

Gorbachev has admitted the end goals, too. Speaking at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania in late 2011, the former Soviet boss was again pushing what he called a “New World Order” and global government. “We have crises: we are facing problems of the environment, of backwardness and poverty, of food shortages,” he told the crowd. “All of these problems are because we do not have a system of global governance.” Global governance, of course, is simply a more palatable term for global government employed by globalists to avoid sparking too much alarm. As Gorbachev and his associates have made clear, though, they are in fact working to empower the United Nations to control virtually everything — including “regulate human interaction,” as Jim Garrison, the executive director of the Gorbachev Foundation, USA, put it in a 1995 interview with San Francisco Weekly.

William F. Jasper, senior editor for this magazine, offered a brief summary of some of Gorbachev’s more heinous crimes that are virtually never addressed by the establishment press: “That he was raised to the apex of power in the Soviet Union by his predecessor and bloody-handed mentor, Yuri Andropov, former head of the KGB, and that he continued to use the KGB in its traditional role as the terrible hammer of Communist rule; That he presided over the Soviet occupation of, and genocide against, Afghanistan; That he ordered the murderous assault of Soviet troops on unarmed civilians at Vilnius’ television station, Lithuania’s equivalent of the Tiananmen Square massacre; That he hid the documents showing Soviet responsibility for the Katyn Woods massacre of 15,000 Polish military officers. He supported Ethiopian Communist dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam’s torture, genocide, and forced famine; That he was one of the top Politburo officials who signed the orders for the 1981 assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II, carried out by Mehmet Ali Agca through Moscow’s ‘subcontractors,’ Communist Bulgaria’s intelligence service.” As Jasper put it, the list “barely scratches the surface of the catalog of crimes attributable to Gorbachev.”

Rather than facing justice, Gorbachev today sits at the heart of the globalist establishment pushing what everybody from George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton to Henry Kissinger and Putin refer to as the “New World Order.” While it is hardly surprising to see Gorbachev sticking up for Russia’s current strongman, the fact that a major international newswire would allude to an agreed-upon Soviet role in the “new European order” is news all by itself. Behind that single sentence is a rabbit hole that goes deeper than almost anyone not privy to the establishment’s machinations could imagine.

Photo of Gorbachev with Putin: AP Images

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU. He can be reached at

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