EU Exploits Refugees to Usurp More Power, Build Armed Force

PARIS — Top officials with the European Union are exploiting the refugee crisis they helped create to usurp more power from the nations and peoples ensnared in the controversial super-state. Without decisive action to turn back the assaults on national sovereignty and self-government, Europeans could soon find an armed EU force intervening in their nations on everything from “crime” and “terror” to border issues — without approval from their own elected representatives. But critics are speaking out loudly as the agenda marches forward.   

Chief among the various schemes allegedly needed to deal with the refugee influx is the creation of a supranational, domestic-oriented military force dubbed the “European Border and Coast Guard.” Ostensibly aimed at “protecting Europe’s borders” from the refugee tsunami sparked by globalist machinations and encouraged by EU leaders, as well as with “fighting crime” and “terrorism,” the EU “force” will usurp vast new powers from formerly sovereign member governments. The plan aims to replace the “Frontex” agency, the EU’s border agency that served at the pleasure of members, with a vastly more powerful entity.

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Most alarmingly, perhaps, the armed EU force will be able to “intervene” in European nations — even without permission from national authorities, as long as EU bosses claim the situation is “urgent.” In fact, even if the nation’s elected leaders specifically decline the “offer” of “assistance” from the new EU force, it could still be imposed on the nation, according to a draft of the policy obtained by French news agency AFP. Considering the increasingly radical rhetoric coming from Brussels, that could mean bad news on many fronts.

In a press release, the EU barely bothered to conceal its power grab. “Where deficiencies persist or where a Member State is under significant migratory pressure putting in peril the Schengen area [borderless European area] and national action is not forthcoming or not enough, the Commission will be able to adopt an implementing decision determining that the situation at a particular section of the external borders requires urgent action at [the] European level,” the EU said. “This will allow the Agency to step in and deploy European Border and Coast Guard Teams to ensure that action is taken on the ground even when a Member State is unable or unwilling to take the necessary measures.”

An EU “fact sheet” about the “European Border and Coast Guard” is even more explicit. In fact, it says that the EU will be able to “ensure that action is taken on the ground even where there is no request for assistance from the Member State concerned or where that Member State considers that there is no need for additional intervention.” In other words, even if a national government tells the meddling EU to get lost and mind its own business, the new armed force will be able to “intervene” anyway.

The EU force will also be able to purchase equipment, intervene in nations outside of the EU, commandeer the resources of member governments (something even the U.S. federal government cannot do to state or local governments), and much more. The new armed force will also be engaged in surveillance, including through the use of remote-controlled spy drones. Finally, the force will have an alleged crime and terror mission, too. “The Agency will include cross-border crime and terrorism in its risk analysis and cooperate with other Union agencies and international organizations on the prevention of terrorism,” the press release said.

The plan also calls for new biometric data schemes to check all people coming in or going out of the super-state’s territory. “The proposal also reinforces the need to verify the biometric identifiers in the passports of EU citizens in case of doubts on the authenticity of the passport or on the legitimacy of the holder,” the official statement said, adding that incoming and outgoing citizens would have their information checked against databases from outfits such as Interpol, the controversial self-styled global police agency that was once dominated by the National Socialists (Nazis). “Checks will now also be mandatory when exiting the European Union.” (Emphasis in original.)

At the national level, some officials were appalled. Creating such a structure “that is independent of member states is shocking,” said Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski. “There would be an undemocratic structure reporting to nobody knows who.” Greek officials also expressed alarm, with Greek Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Kotzias accusing the EU of “rushing” the scheme. He also suggested the agenda was undemocratic and taking place outside of the lawful process outlined in the treaties imposed on Europeans. Even Swedish officials reacted harshly, saying border control was a competence of member states and that “it’s hard to say that there is a need to impose that on member states forcefully.”

Among EU leadership, though, it is par for the course. “Managing Europe’s external borders must be a shared responsibility,” claimed European Commission “First Vice President” Frans Timmermans with the Dutch Labor Party, whose leader was at the Bilderberg summit in Copenhagen in 2014 and admitted being there in an official capacity. “It is now time to move to a truly integrated system of border management.” He also called the draconian powers a “safety net,” adding that the new force could take over the management of national borders in some circumstances. “But it is essential to restore the credibility of our border management system.”

Meanwhile, EU officials and apparatchiks have taken to shrieking whenever a government actually takes serious actions to “restore the credibility” of border management. The howls have been especially pronounced when border checks were reintroduced along some intra-EU borders. But even when Hungarian authorities tried to stop the tsunami with a fence along the border with Serbia, for instance, eurocrats were fuming. In a letter sent to the government of Hungary, the European Commission — essentially the unelected cabal now ruling Europe — blasted the use of troops on the border, complained about criminal sanctions imposed on illegal immigrants who damage the fence, and demanded that refugees stop being denied entry on the grounds that they transited through a safe country. In short, actually guarding the borders appears to be the last thing on the EU’s agenda, except when used as a bogus excuse to create a paramilitary force with powers to intervene in member nations.

Separately, another top EU official, president Martin Schulz of the European pseudo-Parliament, also downplayed the massive power grab as just a routine matter. “That the EU creates common instruments to help and intervene, that is completely normal,” he said, calling the scheme to build a supranational armed force with powers to intervene without an invitation a “step in the right direction.” It was not immediately clear what the final destination of additional steps in the right direction might be, in his view. But despite dismissing fears of a federal regime as a “conspiracy theory” years ago, top EU officials, including more than a few former communists, have in recent years openly announced their plans to impose a federal regime on the peoples of Europe whether they want it or not.  

European “Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship” Dimitris Avramopoulos also indicated how serious the latest power grab was. “The current migration and security challenges know no borders, and require a truly European approach,” he said in a statement, echoing standard globalist rhetoric employed anytime national sovereignty and self-government are under attack. “Where Frontex used to be limited to supporting Member States in managing their external borders, the new Border Agency will go beyond this. What we are creating today is more Europe.” More “Europe,” of course, is globalist code for less sovereignty and self-government, and more usurpation of power by unelected globalists.

Also at the top of the EU-empowerment agenda is a new agency in charge of refugees and migration, with the power to resettle refugees in EU member states against their will. A number of Eastern European governments have fought back against the plot, but it continues to advance, having already allocated a number of immigrants throughout the bloc. Last year it agreed on relocating 40,000, with that number set to balloon even further as millions of refugees pour into the EU with top European officials encouraging it at every step.  

For the United Nations, even all of that has not been enough. “This is a single welcome step towards addressing the current refugee situation in Europe, but it is clear that much more is still needed,” UNHCR spokesperson Melissa Fleming said after the EU approved the deal. “UNHCR is deeply disappointed that although a majority of member States were in agreement with a wider relocation proposal involving 120,000 people, a final consensus on this could not be reached. Decisive agreement is needed without further delay to address the needs, as is bold action based on solidarity from all member States.” In other words, more assaults on sovereignty are needed.

The “High Commissioner” himself, Antonio Guterres, the former head of the pro-global tyranny Socialist International, said that in an “ideal world,” the EU would handle all asylum policy and “refugees could move freely within the EU.” Last week, the radical UN agency, which helps oversee refugee resettlement in the United States as well, went even further. “A comprehensive, coordinated strategy built on shared responsibility, solidarity and trust among all European States working together is the only way to approach the current emergency,” the UNHCR said in a press release blasting some national European governments for taking action to stem the tsunami of refugees fleeing globalist wars (and others taking advantage of the situation to seek out a better life).

Critics, though, have seen through the scheming and the exploitation of the refugee crisis by the Brussels-based super-state to advance its radical agenda. “Is Western Europe to be a series of democratic nation states that govern themselves, control their borders and trade with each other, or is the supra nationalist agenda of Brussels going to win? That’s the real debate that’s going on,” noted EU Parliamentarian and U.K. Independence Party chief Nigel Farage, who is currently campaigning to have the United Kingdom vote to secede from the super-state.    

Beyond crushing sovereignty, the globalist-engineered refugee crisis is also advancing assaults on liberty — especially the threat of terrorism posed by the influx of well over a million Muslims, at least some of whom will be radicalized, over the last year. ISIS has been boasting that its operatives are among the refugees, and U.S. presidential contender Ben Carson even pointed out that it would be “jihadist malpractice” not to send terrorists into the West among the refugee tsunami. He is right, of course, as the Paris attacks involving at least one reported refugee last year illustrated.

Already, as The New American has documented extensively, “Islamic” terror — much of it fomented behind the scenes by globalists and communists — is being used as a pretext to radically expand government powers at the expense of individual rights. Just last year, EU “police,” known as Europol, announced the creation of a new unit to censor the Internet under the guise of fighting “extremism.” In Britain, authorities are cracking down on homeschoolers and Christian Sunday schools under the guise of rooting out Islamic extremism, too. Attacks on gun rights, free speech, and more are also all advancing under the guise of stopping “Islamic terrorism” and “Islamic extremism.” And as millions of Muslims continue to flood Europe, the totalitarian advances will only accelerate.  


Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe. He can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU.

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