The Real Life PURGE of America
If you want a globalist Communist Government, you have to purge the good people out of their jobs. Then you are left with...
If you want a globalist Communist Government, you have to purge the good people out of their jobs. Then you are left with...
Through the United Nations, the Big Tech companies, and the violent fascists on the streets, the Deep State is waging war on freedom...
They proved it and now they want you to ignore it. Because, when they proved it, they realized they will use it for...
While the media spends much time on talking about “weapons of mass destruction,” less time is dedicated to frank discussions of weapons of...
Find out what you can do to restore election integrity, visit The Wisconsin Election Commission committed voter fraud across the entire state!...
The major media dismissed the Arizona audit as not having found any evidence of vote fraud. It’s a lie, as an actual examination...
More than lawyers and court cases will be required to stop the growing attack on individual liberties manifested in the efforts to force...
Americans are finally stating the obvious: that Trump won the 2020 election. Also Mike Lindell give an update on the evidence of the...
A journalist for an establishment media outlet sent in undercover to do a hit job on the documentary Plandemic—the most viewed documentary in...
Starting On November 23rd the Supreme Court will have to decide if it will hear the evidence of election fraud. We will find...
The fifth installment of our “Kicking Away the Ladder” series focuses on the War on the Middle Class. The historical norm is feudalism,...
There is Video of an FBI informant starting the attack on the capitol. There is another video of him plotting the attack the...
As world leaders and Deep State swamp monsters prepare to descend on Scotland for the annual UN “climate” convention, The New American magazine’s...
My freedom doesn’t stop because someone is a scaredy cat. If you are afraid, lock yourself in your house and leave other people...
Marc Victor is the cofounder of Attorneys For Freedom and the human rights group Live and Let Live. Mr. Victor and his attorneys...