The medical tyranny and trampling on citizens’ rights under the guise of protecting humanity from Covid has eerie parallels with what the National Socialist (Nazi) regime was doing in Europe in the 1930s and 40s before the mass murder, Holocaust concentration camp survivor Vera Sharav warned in this explosive interview with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman for Conversations That Matter. Some of the would-be tyrants of today are the “heirs” of those Nazi monsters, literally, explained the longtime advocate for medical freedom and founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection. Dr. Fauci and Klaus Schwab must be exposed and stopped. Fear and propaganda were the psychological weapons used in Germany, and similar tactics are being used today, with Jews and the unvaccinated painted by government as dangerous disease spreaders. The relentless censorship and efforts to control information are another disturbing parallel, Sharav said. To protect freedom and avoid catastrophe, Americans and people around the world wake up and get involved, she added.