Christian Pastor Opposes Article V “Convention of States”

On March 24, 2021, the Wisconsin Senate Committee on Government Operations, Legal Review and Consumer Protection held a public hearing for both Senate Joint Resolution 8 (SJR 8) and Senate Joint Resolution 12 (SJR 12) – a “Convention of States Project” and single-subject congressional term limits Article V constitutional convention applications, respectively. After waiting the entire duration of the hearing to testy, the committee adjourned without hearing Pastor Sedlak, who actually had one of the legislative aides press the right buttons on the electronic kiosk in order to properly register to speak against both SJR 8 and SJR 12. Pastor Sedlak shares with The New American what would have been his testimony and reasoning for opposing the two Article V convention applications and also what the states can and should do to actually rein in the federal government.