Many vaccines are a scam for money. Also, Big Pharma doesn’t want to cure you, they only want to treat your symptoms over and over again.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented. 

Video Sources:

1. TheNewAmerican.com – Dr. Paul Marik: Big Pharma Keeps People Sick – Veronika Kyrylenko – Better Way Conference – Bath, UK

2. Bannon’s War Room – Dr Naomi Wolf: Perjurious Testimony of Dr. Walensky’s ‘Anomalous Science’ of Failure of Efficacy

3. TheNewAmerican.com – Dr. Jessica Rose: VAERS Data and Vaccine Harms – Veronika Kyrylenko – Better Way Conference – Bath, UK

4. TheNewAmerican.com – James Corbett: Expansion of Biosecurity State and WHO’s Anti-human Agenda – Veronika Kyrylenko – Better Way Conference – Bath, UK