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“I only watch Fox News.” “Thank God, we have Fox News!” How many times have you heard those, or similar, expressions from conservatives over the past decade? But the endorsements have turned to condemnation and howls of rage since Fox’s inexcusable early calls of victory for Joe Biden in key battleground states on election night. Fox News played a pivotal Big Media role in throwing the 2020 election to Biden, but that’s far from the only betrayal by the “conservative” network.

Understandably, much of the ire of Trump supporters quickly focused on Arnon Mishkin, who runs the “decision desk” for Fox News’ election coverage. Their outrage was further stoked on November 5 by a press release from the Trump campaign titled, “A Clinton-Voting, Biden-Donating Democrat Runs the Fox News Decision Desk.”

Mishkin, the release pointed out, “prematurely called Arizona for Joe Biden before hundreds of thousands of ballots had been counted. Even left-leaning election analysts like Nate Silver have criticized the decision, but Mishkin is standing by his terrible decision despite and refusing to retract his unjustified call.”

“Why would Mishkin put his finger on the scale for Joe Biden before so many votes are counted?,” the Trump release asked, before noting that “Mishkin is a registered Democrat who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, worked as a Democrat political consultant, and has a long record of donating to Democrats, including the 2008 Obama-Biden campaign.” All of which is true, as even the untrustworthy “fact checkers” at the Washington Post and other virulently anti-Trump media organizations admit. Mishkin also has donated to ActBlue the left-wing 501 (c) 4 superfund that has poured tens of millions of dollars into Democratic campaigns across the country. However, Mishkin isn’t the real issue, nor is Fox’s Chris Wallace, who similarly earned the wrath of Trump supporters for his over-the-top bias while “moderating” the Trump-Biden debate on September 29. The “Trump War Room” tweeted out: “Chris Wallace only interrupted Joe Biden 15 times. Wallace interrupted President Trump 76 times!”

Actor James Woods tweeted:

As even a number of liberal-left commenters noted, Wallace was so obviously hostile to President Trump and deferential to former Vice President Biden — even to the point of prompting Biden and running interference for him — that the event should have been labeled “Trump vs. Wallace-Biden.”

Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, former anchor for NBC and ABC, and son of left-wing media icon Mike Wallace (of CBS 60 Minutes fame), has been a darling of the globalist media, although many erstwhile “progressive” Wallace enthusiasts joined in criticizing him for allowing President Trump to interrupt and “bully” Joe Biden during the debate.

The Murdoch Problem

What should be now more apparent to Fox devotees is that the problems with the network involve much more than infiltration by liberal Democrats such as Mishkin and Wallace. The problems come from the top, which means 89-year-old globalist billionaire Rupert Murdoch, his scions, and their fellow globalists who run the Fox-News Corp-Sky-New York Post-Wall Street Journal empire.

Far from embracing any core conservative beliefs (political, philosophical, or moral-spiritual), Rupert Murdoch is a left-leaning internationalist who appears to be comfortable among those of similar ilk at gatherings of the Bilderberg Group and the World Economic Forum. Although he recently dropped his membership in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), more than 20 of the journalists and executives in his media conglomerate are members of that world-government-promoting organization, including his son James Murdoch, Jerry Seib, Judith Miller, Walter Russell Mead, Deroy Murdock, and Maria Bartiromo. Rupert is also a longtime friend and business associate of Lord Jacob Rothschild, of the storied banking dynasty, infamous for its Deep State political-financial intrigue. Moreover, he has received kudos from leading greenies for committing his global media empire to the promotion of “sustainability,” “climate change,” and other so-called enviro-crises designated by the United Nations.

Rupert Murdoch’s alleged commitment to Christianity and “family values” has always been dubious, to put it mildly. His decades-long publishing of the topless “Page 3 Girls” in The Sun, the popular British tabloid newspaper, should have been a clue. In the face of criticism from parents, pastors, and feminists, he obstinately continued his “soft-core” porn publishing enterprise. And he has gone as close to that porn standard as he deems permissible with his New York Post, which has gotten raunchier and raunchier over the years. Ditto for his Fox entertainment business (acquired by Disney last year), which has contributed greatly to the scumming down of America by breaking taboos on sex and profanity that the “liberal” networks feared to challenge.

Younger Murdochs May be Worse

The elder Murdoch’s true political leanings should have been recognizable with his repeated strong support for media mogul Michael Bloomberg’s presidential aspirations. Murdoch began urging fellow billionaire Bloomberg (CFR) — former New York City mayor, and a liberal-left Democrat, proponent of abortion, gun control, population control, environmental extremism, the radical LGBTQ agenda, etc. — to run for the White House as early as 2015. He supported Bloomberg in the 2020 Democratic primary contest, but appears to have switched his support to Biden after the former vice president sewed up the nomination. In October, scant weeks before the election, a widely circulated news story reported that News Corp Chairman Rupert Murdoch was predicting a “landslide” victory for Biden, criticizing Trump, and saying that after the tumult of the Trump presidency, America is “ready for Sleepy Joe.”

Then there is the younger Murdoch generation. Sons Lochlan and James have been engaged in a messy, musical-chairs jockeying for power for years. James and his wife Kathryn are very outspoken global-warming alarmists and have donated heavily to climate activist efforts, such as the Clinton Climate Initiative. They are also donors to the Clinton Foundation run by Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton. Lochlan does not appear to be as openly liberal-left as his brother, but, according to Vanity Fair, he “doesn’t like Trump.” In 2019, Lochlan Murdoch was named chairman and CEO of Fox Corporation.

On November 6, the New York Times filed a story, entitled “New York Post Shifts Tone on Trump as a Top Editor Plans His Own Exit,” that reported on the popular Murdoch-owned tabloid’s noticeable post-election shift from its previous pro-Trump stance. “Last month,” the Times’ Katie Robertson wrote, “The New York Post called President Trump ‘an invincible hero, who not only survived every dirty trick the Democrats threw at him, but the Chinese virus as well.’ Then it published front-page articles trying to link the contents of a laptop said to belong to Hunter Biden to his father, Joseph R. Biden Jr.”

However, she noted, two days after the election, “in a sudden about-face, Rupert Murdoch’s scrappy tabloid published two articles with a wildly different tone. One accused the president of making an ‘unfounded claim that political foes were trying to steal the election.’ The headline on the other described Donald Trump Jr. as the ‘panic-stricken’ author of a ‘clueless tweet.’”

“What happened?” Robertson asked, before answering: “In short, the president appears to be going down — and The Post is not about to go with him.” “With Mr. Trump headed toward a likely defeat,” she continued, “top editors at the tabloid told some staff members this week to be tougher in their coverage of him, said two Post employees who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal discussions.”

While harsh experience has taught it’s always dangerous to believe anything appearing in the New York Times — even its page numbers — its report concerning the New York Post’s flip-flop on President Trump confirms what is obvious in the tenor of of the Post’s recent coverage. Ditto for Fox News, which suddenly seems to be brimming with CNN clones who sneer and smirk at Trump’s claims of election fraud and cite the liberal-left “fact checkers” at the Washington Post and PolitiFact as proof that no significant vote fraud took place.

Will Laura and/or Tucker Break Away?

But, but, but — what about Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Lou Dobbs, and all the other commentators, reporters, experts, and analysts who offer a desperately needed contrast to the massive disinformation operation of the Fake News choir? Valid point, but it obscures the elephant in the room. The conservative talking heads at Fox are the camouflage, the honeyed anodyne that keeps the awakening masses corralled inside a prescribed circle of acceptable dissent. They are a key part of Murdoch’s business strategy to provide a controlled media alternative. Which is not to say that these individual commentators are wittingly performing this role. But, if any of them get truly “woke” to the globalist peril and start alerting the American herd to the threat of the impending slaughter, they may find their days at Fox numbered. Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson may be getting close to that point. Recently, both of them have been exposing and indicting “The Great Reset,” the imminent plan by the globalist elites of the World Economic Forum to jump-start world socialism and use the COVID-19 “pandemic” as a pretext for locking down the planet in a global surveillance state.

The November 12 episode of The Ingraham Angle, “‘Biden and the global reset’ threaten economy, liberty” is particularly hard-hitting and not something we have seen before on a major television program. We have been hitting “The Great Reset” here at The New American (see links below) for months. But this naked grab for power is not something new, nor is it merely something being promoted by Biden and his pro-Beijing Democrats. RINO Republicans have been in the forefront of this globalist “New World Order” scheme for decades, as we have documented for decades. (See, for instance, my 1992 book, Global Tyranny…Step by Step: The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order, or the 2012 article, “The United Nations: On the Brink of Becoming a World Government”).

So it is gratifying to see some of the front line talent in the Fox stable stepping into this arena, even if in a limited fashion. Now is the time for all Americans who truly love freedom and who are willing to fight for it to stop pretending, to stop holding back, and to really engage in the battle for our civilization that is raging all about us. Let’s urge Lou, Laura, Tucker, Sean — and all other media “thought leaders” who claim to be conservative or constitutionalist — to take the plunge, to put country above career, and to completely take off the gloves in fighting the globalists, the self-anointed “Reset” elite that are perilously close to destroying our nation and extinguishing liberty all across this planet.

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