Silicon Valley Resurrects the Star Chamber

Initially established to ensure that socially and politically prominent people would be subject to the same enforcement of laws as ordinary people, England’s Star Chamber became a tool of tyranny for the Stuart dynasty. The court would become a byword for oppression with its harsh, inconsistent rulings, no “due process” rights for the accused, and secretive proceedings

In the here and now, the majority of Americans agree that online platforms should regulate child porn, harassment, and false medical and health issues. At the same time, most Americans feel Big tech companies such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, and PayPal have pushed this practice too far by creating biased definitions of hate speech and censoring political viewpoints differing from the views of the companies’ leadership.

A recent Pew study found that 73 percent of the American people believe it “likely that social media platforms actively censor political views that those companies find objectionable.” Unfortunately for social media users, it isn’t “likely” happening — it is happening.

Following Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory, Big Tech took it upon itself to crush any person or group that does not follow their agenda. Perhaps the most insidious of the attacks are those on right-wing media, modifying algorithms for searches, preventing viewers from finding right-wing articles in the first place.

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In August of 2018, Big Tech erased right-wing firebrand Alex Jones from the Internet. YouTube removed his videos, and Facebook eliminated his profile. Other group’s “de-platformed” include Natural News, Project Veritas, Breitbart, and the Gateway Pundit, while Google has threatened to pull advertisement revenue from the Federalist as well.  

In 2019, Project Veritas released a video of  Google executive Jen Gennai at a restaurant having a conversation in which she states:

The reason we launched our AI principles is because people were not putting that line in the sand, that they were not saying what’s fair and what’s equitable, so we’re like, well we are a big company, we’re going to say it.

We all got screwed over in 2016; again it wasn’t just us, it was — the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over — so we’ve rapidly been like, what happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again?

Campbell Brown, Facebook’s head of news partnerships, gave an interview in February 2018 in which she states:

This is not us stepping back from the news. This is us changing our relationship with publishers and emphasizing something that Facebook has never done before: It’s having a point of view, and it’s leaning into quality news.… We are, for the first time in the history of Facebook, taking a step to try to define what “quality news” looks like and give that a boost.

Limiting search results and eliminating sites are just a few of the weapons Big Tech has been utilizing in its war on conservatives. GoFundMe suspended the account of Trump supporter Candace Owens after she raised $205,000 for a restaurant owner who called George Floyd a thug. The fundraising site claimed,

“because of a repeated pattern of inflammatory statements that spread hate, discrimination, intolerance, and falsehoods against the black community at a time of profound national crisis. These actions violate our terms of service.”

As the 2020 campaign season kicks into high gear, Big Tech is rolling out more assaults on conservative media outlets, as happened to CD Media after they released several articles exposing the Biden crime family. PayPal froze its account, restricting the group’s access to their own money for 21 days. The reason given was “dangerous content.” Two days later, Twitter suspended seven CD media/staff accounts, cutting them off from over 200,000  followers. Less than three weeks later, CJ Affiliate, the world’s biggest affiliate advertising network, banned CD Media from its platform, crushing the advertisement revenue they will receive. Three days after that, Patreon, the massive creator patronage site, froze CD Media’s account, as did credit card processor Stripe.

Big Tech has declared war on President Trump and on those media outlets that support him or are exposing the Marxist takeover of the United States. While there has been some pushback against the censorship by Vice President Mike Pence, Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), and Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), the election is in less than two months, and time is running out to defeat the Big Tech members of the modern-day Star Chamber.

We are now in the most significant fight America has faced since WWII, and if freedom is to persist after the 2020 election, it will only be by the hand of God and the hard work of American patriots.

Image: rudall30 / iStock / Getty Images Plus