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Climate-change activists are increasing the frequency and intensity of their protests and even destroying property in a failing effort to gain governments’ attention to help mankind save the planet. Last Friday marked the first “Climate Emergency Day” and began a countdown to July 2029 as the Climate Clock’s deadline for action limiting global warming.

One of the co-founders of the Climate Clock, Gan Golan, said the day is an “urgent reminder that our best window of action closes as each second, hour, day, and year ticks by.”

The deadline on the clock is based on a 2018 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), where climate scientists attempted to quantify a remaining global carbon budget that could feasibly keep the global average temperature increase above the 1950-1980 baseline less than 1.5ºC.

The activists have argued that world governments have failed citizens by not acting aggressively enough to enact policies curbing warming. To get noticed, far-left activists have glued themselves to famous paintings, disrupted new pipeline construction, scaled buildings, blocked rush-hour traffic, lit themselves on fire, and slashed tires of random sport utility vehicles (SUV) in cities around the world.

“We cannot continue to wait around for a bunch of corporate shills in Congress to do nothing while people are dying,” Greenpeace USA senior climate campaigner Ashley Thomson said last week.

Greenpeace and its international affiliates have staged multiple “direct actions” this year ranging from scaling a venue hosting a major conference in France to blocking a ship from departing a Dutch port to climbing a deep-sea mining vessel in the North Sea. Such disruptive actions have become more common in the face of what activists believe to be an impending global disaster.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, climate activist Ken Ward said, “Climate change is the only issue where, in the worst case, it really would affect the ability of our civilization to continue. If you do a bad job on clean water, then you’ve got some polluted water — you can recoup that. With the worst case in climate change, that’s not an option.”

Radical climate activists say that the governments of the world are not taking action fast enough, and that they may be forced to resort to “extreme tactics,” even violence, in order to “save the planet.”

“For decades, fossil fuels corporations paid millions to confuse the public, contradict the science and falsely claim that climate change was a hoax,” Golan told Fox News Digital. “That tactic isn’t working anymore because the results are plain for all of us to see. So, they have rolled out a new tactic: delay. Climate delay has become the new climate denial.”

A U.K.-based environmental action group, Just Stop Oil, said that it was also planning further actions in light of government inaction. The group recently made headlines when its members glued t,hemselves to famous paintings including a copy of The Last Supper, at a museum in London.

“There are different kinds of actions that we’re taking at the moment,” said a Just Stop Oil spokesperson. “We are basically calling for individuals and institutions to go into civil resistance against the U.K. government, stopping them from one of the biggest acts of criminality in this country’s history, in terms of going ahead with fossil fuel, oil, gas, coal projects.”

Activists have resorted to forming blockades on busy highways to call attention to climate change and urge elected officials to do more. In April, a group calling upon President Biden to declare a climate emergency blocked traffic on I-395 in Washington D.C. “We have a brief and rapidly closing window to address the climate crisis,” said a protester. “The government isn’t listening.”

Last Tuesday, the White House said that Biden is still considering declaring a climate emergency after Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) effectively killed Democrats’ hopes for sweeping climate legislation. However, Biden opted against making such a pronouncement, instead announcing a series of executive actions during a speech in Massachusetts on Wednesday.

Varshini Prakash, the executive director of the grassroots Sunrise Movement, said following the speech that Biden may forever be known as “the president who condemned my generation to an unlivable world.”

The opposition to climate-change activism is growing louder as well. Many researchers continue to refute global-warming activists’ claims. One group of retired NASA scientists and engineers called The Right Climate Stuff is successfully disproving the doomsday propaganda of the radical-left climate-change activists.

The Right Climate Stuff’s independent research finds that “Empirical evidence does not support the climate change projections of computer models, which yield exaggerated warming by 200 to 300% vs. reality. Erroneous model input assumptions and tuning of parameters to attribute historic warming to anthropogenic greenhouse gases causes output errors that inflate future warming projections. Yet inflated warming projections are inappropriately being used to establish policy that is especially harmful to the poor and catastrophic to the national economy. The warming from anthropogenic CO2 emissions has been modest, and in combination with its fertilization effect on the biosphere, has been highly beneficial.”