UN’s Marxist Plan for Global Government
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The D'Escoto-UN plan, which has received scant media coverage, is nothing short of a full-blown call for world government administered through the UN. The Draft Outcome Document issued by D'Escoto on May 8, 2009 on behalf of the "G-192" (the representatives of the 192 Member States of the UN), decries the evils of "a profit centered economy" and the current "prevailing socio-economic system" and declares: "The anti-values of greed, individualism, and exclusion should be replaced by solidarity, common good and inclusion."

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How do D'Escoto and his UN comrades propose to accomplish this? The 19-page document lays out a Sandinista-style Marxist-Leninist program for the entire planet that involves global government, with a huge new global bureaucracy exercising vast powers over all human activity.

Point 78 of the document's 80-point program proclaims:

New Structures are also necessary to achieve recovery and restructure the prevailing socio-economic model. They should be created by the United Nations General Assembly who should also approve their budgets and supervised and coordinated by ECOSOC with staff support of UNDESA and United Nations Regional Economic and Social Commissions.

Point 79 then lists the proposed new UN institutions that would rule all life on our planet:

Global Stimulus Fund

Global Public Goods Authority (Sea, Space, Cyberspace)

Global Tax Authority

Global Financial Products Safety Commission

Global Financial Regulatory Authority

Global Competition Authority

Global Council of Financial and Economic Advisors

Global Economic Coordination Council

World Monetary Board (Contingent SDR emissions)

Finally, point number 80 of the Draft Outcome Document tells us that "it is not possible to continue globalizing human relations without global regulation and institutions." According to the UN document, "Our growing global problem set will also eventually require global financial mechanisms to solve them. There are serious constraints to achieving this, but until we do, globalization without global institutions will continue to lead the world into chaos. It is up to the G-192, the General Assembly of the United Nations to assure that the Global Stimulus for Restructuring and Survival generates new global institutions as part of the same process that overcomes the crisis and restructures our socio-economic model."

Red-Pink-Green Coalition

The plan put forward by D'Escoto for exploiting the current economic crisis to build an all-powerful world government is the product of the usual coalition of UN forces: hardcore communists, "moderate" socialists, and militant environmentalists — all funded by various national and regional governments, UN agencies, tax exempt foundations, and corporate one-world elitists. As a top Sandinista official, "Father" Miguel D'Escoto fits clearly into the communist category. He was suspended from his priestly functions by the Vatican in 1982, along with fellow Sandinista priests Ernesto and Fernando Cardenal, Alvaro Arguello, and Edgar Parrales. Pope John Paul II severely chastised these Liberation Theology "Padres" when he visited Managua in 1983. Nevertheless, in violation of Canon Law and papal orders, they defiantly remained in the Soviet- and Cuban-backed Sandinista regime that brutally oppressed the Nicarguan people and persecuted faithful Catholics, laity and clergy alike, as well as Protestants and Jews. 

As Foreign Minister under Sandinista chief Daniel Ortega, D'Escoto was a member of the ruling junta that imposed a rigid Soviet-style political-economic system on Nicaragua, while exporting terrorism and revolution to the rest of Latin America. Imprisonment, torture, murder, and expropriation became the order of the day as the Sandinista secret police implemented the methods they had learned from the Soviet KGB and Cuban DGI. Daniel Ortega returned as president in 2007. Thanks to a divided opposition, a phony public act of contrition by Ortega, and Sandinista voter intimidation and fraud, Ortega was able to take the presidency with only 38 percent of the vote. Due to a previously enacted "reform" — supported by Ortega and the Sandinistas — a first-round plurality of only 35 percent enables the victor to avoid a run-off election. However, Ortega's election campaign claims about having converted to Christianity and his (outwardly) penitent reconciliation with Cardinal Obando y Bravo (whom he had previously persecuted), turned out to be total ruses. Since taking office he has reinstituted the repression, intimidation, torture, and corruption of the earlier Sandinista regime. 

One of "El Comandante" Ortega's most recent accomplishments is the repeal of the 1962 decision to revoke communist Cuba's membership in the Organization of American States (OAS). The OAS had ejected Castro's dictatorship because its "adherence … to Marxism-Leninism is incompatible with the inter-American system." Ortega can be seen here triumphantly giving the communist clenched-fist salute at the OAS summit in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, on June 3, immediately after the vote to reinstate Havana's unapologetic Marxist-Leninist regime.

Ortega has not changed from his earlier Sandinista days; he's the same old Marxist-Leninist. And, as before, "Padre D'Escoto" (as he prefers to be called) is there to help him as an official adviser. Lest there be any doubt as to D'Escoto's political tilt, he even mentions in his official UN profile (with apparent pride) that he was the recipient of  "the International Lenin Peace Prize (1985/86) awarded by the Soviet Union." For those unfamiliar with this "distinguished" award, it was originally instituted as the "Stalin Peace Prize," but after Stalin's death the Kremlin decided to moderate the Soviet image by denouncing the horrendous crimes of Stalin. The name of the award was then changed to honor communist leader V. I. Lenin instead.

As General Assembly president, Padre D'Escoto is able to project the Sandinista vision on a global scale. He is only able to do so, however, because of the indispensable help of a global brain trust that begins with his trusty Sandinista assistant, Paul Oquist.

The Geneva-based human rights group UN Watch reports that at a May 12 meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, with NGO representatives to promote the June economic crisis conference, D'Escoto expanded on his recurring diatribes against free market "greed" as the source of all the world's woes. Said UN Watch:

D'Escoto Brockmann was joined by his senior advisor, former Nicaraguan Minister Paul Oquist. Evidently the brains behind the initiative, Oquist explained that its goal is to make a new "Bretton Woods" agreement to address the entire financial system and architecture and promote a global stimulus.

It was Oquist, reports UN Watch, who presented D'Escoto's "solution" for the world's economic ills, a plan "requiring 5% of world GDP and involving various international taxes, including on pollution, cyberspace, the seas, and financial transactions."

The New York Times, in a May 24 bouquet to D'Escoto and his upcoming UN conference, did not bother to remind its readers of the former Sandinista foreign minister's blood-drenched record, but it did make this interesting (though not surprising) comment about Oquist's choice of seating for the Times' interview:

Sitting beneath portraits of Fidel Castro of Cuba, President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela and President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, among others, Mr. Oquist also said that the meltdown of 2008 proved that no state or states had a monopoly on financial wisdom. 

Casting far larger shadows than Oquist, however, are the big guns of D'Escoto's Commission of Experts on Reforms of the International Monetary and Financial System. The chairman of the Commission is Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel Laureate, former economist for the Clinton administration and the World Bank (and probably the most quoted economic guru of our day). Besides chairing the UN coterie that plans to restructure the world, Stiglitz is now a professor at Columbia University. But he has another important feather in his cap that his admirers in the media (and they are legion) seem to be taking special pains to ignore and conceal. Professor Stiglitz is also chairman of the Commission on Global Financial Issues sponsored by the Socialist International (SI), the worldwide congregation of socialist parties (including many that are communist – like the Sandinista FSLN – "ex-communist," and crypto-communist. The longest-serving president of the SI was the late German Chancellor Willy Brandt, who, after his death in 1992, was exposed as having been a Soviet KGB agent since before World War II. (Like Dr. Stiglitz, Brandt was also a Nobel Laureate.) 

Now, since the Socialist International is such an important global player (even though it is little known in the United States), counting many ruling parties and heads of state as members, it would seem to be relevant to include Dr. Stiglitz's chairmanship of the SI Commission in his vita, especially since the SI Commission and the UN Commission are pushing virtually identical programs for socialist world government, under the guise of dealing with the current economic crisis. But then someone might notice that the SI has been pushing that same program for decades. 

As The New American has repeatedly reported over the years, the Congress of the Socialist International in 1962 stated: "The ultimate objective of the parties of the Socialist International is nothing less than world government."  That has never changed, as the agenda of the current Stiglitz-led SI Commission bears out. But, since the "socialist" label, even in the era of Obama socialism, still carries a stigma in America, the UN's globalist-oriented friends in the media have opted to sanitize this information out of existence. And of course they won't point out that the Socialist International call for world government merely mirrors the much earlier official "Program of the Communist International" adopted by the Soviet Union in 1928, calling for "a World Union of Soviet Socialist Republics uniting the whole of mankind under the hegemony of the international proletariat organized as a state."

The current UN-D'Escoto-Stiglitz-SI plan for world government proposes something closely akin to that 81-year-old Soviet program. However, considering the scope of the UN's proposed global restructuring scheme, there has been very little mention of it by the Obama administration, members of Congress, or the so-called mainstream media. To the extent that it has been mentioned, the general line seems to be: "Oh, don't worry about that; the G8-G20 folks won't go along with anything that radical." But as we've previously detailed in the articles below, the global program kicked off by the recent G20 London Summit is cause enough for serious alarm and should be stirring forceful opposition. In fact, it may well be that the primary purpose served by Padre D'Escoto and the Stiglitz-chaired Commission is to make the G20 plan for world government appear conservative (and therefore acceptable, even welcome) by comparison.

Related articles:

Global Fusion: The G20, IMF, and World Government

Rooting for World Government

Dropping All Pretenses About "Global Governance"

Target: World Government

AP Images: Photo of Miguel D'Escoto Brockmann