Trump’s $20 Million Fundraiser Confirms Enthusiasm Chasm Over Biden

In the press release that followed President Trump’s first-ever virtual fundraiser held on Tuesday, hostess Kimberly Guilfoyle, chair of the Trump Victory Finance Committee, exulted:

Trump Victory’s groundbreaking fundraising record proves the American people are passionate about gaining four more years under President Trump’s strong leadership.

Across the nation, the SILENT MAJORITY are coming together to donate their valuable time and hard-earned money to help make this President’s re-election a reality.

The most important measure of success in this race is enthusiasm, and the enthusiasm from President Trump’s supporters cannot be matched.

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In fact Democrat Party presumptive candidate Joe Biden can’t even come close. His most successful virtual fundraiser brought in just $7.6 million.

More than 300,000 donors contributed to the record set on Tuesday, with the average donation nearly $67. When supporters express enthusiasm in polls, that’s one thing. When they express it by debiting their credit cards, that’s another thing altogether.

The enthusiasm “gap” between the candidates was revealed in an Emerson College poll in late April, which found that Trump had a 19-point advantage over his likely opponent. That gap was confirmed last week following the release of a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.

There are other measures that reveal the yawning gap between the two candidates. Just the News reported that followers of President Trump on social media surpassed 200 million in April, compared to just 12 million social media followers for Joe Biden.

Those concerned that the media’s polls don’t reflect that gap shouldn’t be. Not only are the media polls usually wrong, they are also deliberately skewed in Biden’s favor, by as much as nine points. This was discovered when the president hired John McLaughlin, head of McLaughlin & Associates, to look into a CNN poll released in early June showing Trump behind Biden by 14 points.

McLaughlin reported back to the president what he found:

The latest skewed media polls must be intentional. It’s clear that NBC, ABC and CNN who have Democrat operatives like Chuck Todd, George Stephanopoulos and other Democrats in their news operations are consistently under-polling Republicans and therefore, reporting biased polls.

They continue to poll adults or registered voters that skew away from likely voters. So instead of the 33% Republican turnout which actually happened in 2016, they are reporting polls on only 26%, 25% or even 24% Republicans.

Since you get over 90% of the Republican vote, for every point fewer Republicans that they do not poll, they reduce your vote total by a point. In contrast CBS polled likely voters. CBS had 32% Republicans and a close national race.

The bias seems to be an intentional strategy to suppress your vote.

It is intentional, writes David Horowitz in his latest book: Blitz: TRUMP Will Smash the Left and WIN:

In committing themselves to … launching a movement to sabotage Trump’s presidency, Democrats left behind half the country that had voted for him.

Instead of seeking to win over the hearts and minds of Trump’s supporters in the tradition of American politics, they [instead] attacked his voters as “racists,” “white nationalists,” ”sexists,” “homophobes,” and “Islamophobes,” and then included them in a Trump “basket of deplorables.”

In doing so the Democrats forged an iron bond between leader and followers.

It should be remembered that that decision to attack Trump’s supporters as part of a strategy to destroy his presidency even before it began was made in a closed-door meeting at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington, D.C., five days after Trump’s surprise victory in November, 2016. As Horowitz wrote:

The purpose of the meeting was first to plot a formal Resistance to the new president, and second, to adopt a strategy for moving the Democratic Party further to the political left.

The entire event was organized and paid for by George Soros’ “Democracy Alliance.”…

The Mandarin Oriental gathering lasted four days. Among its attendees were several hundred activists and politicians like House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chairman Keith Ellison.

A writer for Politico who attended the meeting wrote: “If the agenda is any indication, liberals plan full-on trench warfare against Trump from Day One.”

After three and a half years of suffering under that “trench warfare” Trump’s supporters now are seeing their opportunity to strike back, in the one and only poll that matters: the one that takes place on Tuesday, November 3.

Photo: pixelliebe/iStock/Getty Images Plus 

An Ivy League graduate and former investment advisor, Bob is a regular contributor to The New American primarily on economics and politics. He can be reached at

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