Texas GOP Convention Declares Biden “Not Legitimately Elected”

After the more than 5,000 delegates and alternates attending the Texas GOP Convention in Houston this past weekend viewed Dinesh D’Souza’s new documentary 2000 Mules, the convention passed the following resolution:

2020 Election: We believe that the 2020 election violated Article 1 and 2 of the US Constitution, that various secretaries of state illegally circumvented their state legislatures in conducting their elections in multiple ways, including by allowing ballots to be received after November 3, 2020.

We believe that substantial election fraud in key metropolitan areas significantly affected the results in five key states in favor of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States.

While such resolutions are more “mission statements” than legal doctrine, they represent broad indicators of sentiments of the most active and engaged voters. As such, they are later often reflected in legislative action. 

In this case the resolution reflects the impact that D’Souza’s documentary is having across the country. 

This writer viewed 2000 Mules and was persuaded that, even using D’Souza’s threshold of 10 visits by mules to ballot drop boxes, averaging five ballots per visit, there were enough illegal votes cast to negate the 2020 presidential election: 

Michigan: 500 mules visited 50 boxes = 125,000 illegal votes

Wisconsin: 100 mules visited 28 boxes = 14,000 illegal votes

Georgia: 250 mules visited 24 boxes = 30,000 illegal votes

Arizona: 200 mules visited 20 boxes = 20,000 illegal votes

Pennsylvania: 1150 mules visited 45 boxes = 275,000 illegal votes. 

That was more than enough to swing the election to Trump. 

However, when D’Souza lowered the criteria for what constitutes a “mule” — from 10 drop boxes being visited in the dark of night to five — there were 54,000 mules casting 810,000 illegal votes, giving the final vote in every key state to Donald Trump, who would have won the vote in an Electoral College landslide, 305 to 233. 

D’Souza included a clip from Greg Phillips (of True the Vote, which helped D’Souza with the documentary). Phillips interviewed an informant from Yuma County, Arizona, who said she was instructed to receive ballots as a receptionist at a non-profit organization. She also witnessed people dropping ballots off at what D’Souza called “stash” houses. Each phony ballot generated income for the mules paid by the non-profit. 

The informant said that she personally dropped off hundreds of ballots at night where there were no cameras. She said (as this writer remembers), “They know who’s gonna win before the election happens.”

This revelation from 2000 Mules led local prosecutors to charge Guillermina Fuentes, the ex-Mayor of San Luis, Arizona, with forgery, conspiracy, and ballot abuse. She was originally scheduled to appear on May 12 and expected to plead “not guilty.” But, because of the evidence provided by the film, she changed her plea to “guilty.”

Her case is pending, but the investigation continues into the evidence she is offering as part of the plea bargain. 

Even though Texas underwent a recount that revealed little, if any, vote fraud there, GOP delegates were so incensed at what they saw and learned that they pushed through the resolution condemning voter fraud and declaring Donald Trump the winner in 2020. 

This is not news to many. According to a poll from Economist/YouGov, nearly 40 percent of U.S. voters don’t believe that Biden is the legitimate winner of the 2020 election. The Texas GOP just confirmed what so many already believe.