Soros “Justice” Campaigns:  2 DA Wins In Virginia, and Lesbian Socialist May Be Next N.Y. City Prosecutor

George Soros (shown) plans to “transform” America’s criminal justice system, and the Left is out in force for the AOC-endorsed, Soros-funded Democratic Socialist Tiffany Caban for Queens DA in the June 25 primary.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and George Soros are rallying the troops for “Queer Latina Tiffany Cabán” in the hotly contested district attorney primary race for New York City’s Queens district. The 31-year-old Caban boasts not only the financial support of the globalist billionaire and the endorsement of new Democrat superstar AOC, but also the endorsements of a host of additional left-wing organizations and politicos, including the Center for Popular Democracy Action (formerly ACORN), Citizen Action, Color of Change PAC, Empire State Indivisible, LGBTQ Victory Fund, Muslim Democratic Club of New York City, New York Progressive Action Network, NYC Democratic Socialists of America, Real Justice PAC, and Working Families Party.

The most potent of these organizational endorsements is likely to be that of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which boasts an army of activists. The radical journal In These Times reported: “‘When DSA endorses in New York, we bring an army,’ says Aaron Taube, a volunteer DSA organizer. That army helped power the victories of Ocasio- Cortez in parts of the Bronx and Queens, and state Sen. Julia Salazar in Brooklyn.”

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The DSA “army” powered by Soros cash could prove to be the winning combination — again. A win by Tiffany Caban in the coveted DA office race would score another major victory in Soros’s strategic plan for revolution through prosecution (or non-prosecution, depending on the circumstances and what best advances the radical Left agenda). District attorney races have traditionally been local affairs and relatively low-key, attracting little national attention or outside money, but Soros and his billionaire Democracy Alliance partners have changed all that.

On June 11, two Soros-backed far-left “progressives” overthrew incumbent Democrat prosecutors in important Washington, D.C.-area counties. The globalist billionaire poured over $1 million into the two races through his Justice & Public Safety PAC, which has targeted district attorney and state attorney general offices across the nation. In Arlington County, Soros candidate Parisa Dehghani-Tafti unseated incumbent prosecutor Theo Stamos, while in Fairfax County, Steve Descano scored an upset over prosecutor Raymond Morrogh. With the Democratic nominations secured, Soros is virtually assured of victory in these solid blue counties in the general election.

The Dehghani-Tafti and Descano victories add more scalps to the Soros belt, including DA races in Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, and St. Louis.

Protect Prostitutes, Prosecute Police

LGBTQ activist Tiffany Caban has made decriminalizing “sex work,” i.e.. male and female prostitution, a key plank in her campaign, along with prosecuting police and immigration officers. The Indypendent, a far-left New York City newspaper/website (and big backer of Caban), reports that “Cabán, 31, is not running to be a typical district attorney. The queer Latina public defender is promising to end cash bail, fully decriminalize sex work and prosecute violent cops, abusive landlords and immigration agents. In a race where most candidates are calling themselves ‘progressives,’ she prefers the label ‘decarceral.’ Her goal is to keep as many people as possible out of jail.” The Indypendent article features a group photo of Caban giving the clenched fist salute with (according to the caption) “sex workers from Make the Road Action.”

Make the Road Action is an affiliate of Make the Road New York, an extreme-left Marxist group that has received millions of dollars from Soros, Democracy Alliance, and the Obama administration.

The Indypendent also promotes a Caban/Ocasio-Cortez video entitled AOC, Tiffany Cabán and the Struggle For a People’s DA in Queens (below).

Caban can count on crucial support from the militant homosexual lobby.  “Queer Latina Tiffany Cabán this week won a significant LGBTQ boost in her run for Queens district attorney, with the endorsement of the Victory Fund, a Washington-based group that helps elect out candidates across every level of government nationwide,” the Gay City News reported on May 30. The website also noted that former Houston Mayor Anise Parker, an “out lesbian” who is president and CEO of the Victory Fund, said in a written statement that Cabán is “a passionate advocate for fair and equitable criminal justice reform and understands that every decision made by a district attorney’s office impacts the lives of real people.”

“When she wins, Tiffany will become the first openly LGBTQ district attorney in New York City, and will help transform the lives of millions of Queens residents,” Parker said. Gay City News noted also, however, that “the Stonewall Democratic Club of New York City, the city’s largest LGBTQ political group, has opted to back Queens Borough President Melinda Katz in the race.”

Like the 2018 midterm primary election upset that saw longtime Democrat incumbent Representative Joseph Crowley overthrown by far-left, unknown activist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Caban-Katz conest is seen as another dust-up between the Establishment Democratic Left and the Insurgent Democratic Left, or the Clintoncrats vs. the Berniecrats. Besides her Stonewall endorsement, Melinda Katz has garnered endorsements from Governor Andrew Cuomo, Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul, state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, and other prominent Democrat officeholders, as well as Planned Parenthood, the National Organization of Women, and Big Labor (Teamsters, SEIU, United Federation of Teachers).

The Soros Factor

The implications of the Soros-funded Justice & Public Safety PAC for our criminal justice system are enormous, and the impacts are already being felt. For exhibit A, consider Kim Foxx, who won the State Attorney position for Chicago’s Cook County, thanks to a $408,000 contribution from Soros. Foxx has gained national notoriety for dropping charges against Jussie Smollett, the homosexual black actor who staged a sensational hate crime that was fodder for media propaganda for weeks, before being exposed as a fraud. Smollett had been charged with 16 felonies, but Foxx dropped the charges, following her improper communications  with Smollett’s family and representatives, including Tina Tchen, a family friend and Michelle Obama’s former chief of staff.

In Philadelphia, the policies of newly installed District Attorney Larry Krasner (who won, thanks to a $1.45 million contribution from Soros) are being cited as the cause for the City of Brotherly Love’s spiraling crime rate. Following a bloody Father’s Day weekend that saw 19 shootings and 28 victims, including 5 dead, Krasner came under renewed attack for policies that favor criminals over crime victims and police.

The Philadelphia Inquirer reported, following the violent weekend: “Krasner — sworn in last year on a pledge to curb mass incarceration — has drawn frequent criticism from the police union. Its leader, John McNesby, has accused him of having ‘great disdain’ for law enforcement and siding with accused criminals over victims.” The Inquirer also noted: “U.S. Attorney William M. McSwain also has been critical of Krasner, saying Philadelphia has ‘a full-blown public safety crisis’ due to Krasner’s policies. McSwain said his office has increased violent-crime prosecutions as a result.”

Philly’s “top cop,” Police Commissioner Richard Ross, without directly mentioning Krasner, suggested at a news conference that the violence may be escalating because the criminals see there are “no consequences” for their behavior. Commissioner Ross said “there are many people who will disregard the law because they’re not worried about it. Not because we’re not arresting them.”

Krasner, on the other hand, following standard “progressive” formula, blamed the spike in crime on “poverty, hopelessness, and a lack of gun control.” The Soros acolyte tweeted: “A playground. A deli. A graduation party. Dozens of victims. This weekend’s tragic, alarming gun violence underscores why we must address the root causes of this public health crisis: Poverty, hopelessness, and a lack of gun control at state/ fed levels.”

Red Diaper DA?

Tiffany Caban has received the endorsement of Larry Krasner, as well as that of Soros protégé Rachel Rollins, Boston’s Suffolk County District Attorney. But, perhaps the most radical of any candidates running for district attorney is “Red diaper baby” Chesa Boudin, who is running to become DA for San Francisco. He can boast an unmatched extremist pedigree: grandson of Communist Party attorney Leonard Boudin, son of Weather Underground terrorists David Gilbert and Kathy Boudin, adopted son of Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.

As we reported this past March, Chesa Boudin was named after Joanne Chesimard (aka Asata Shakur), the Weather Underground/Black Liberation Army terrorist and convicted cop killer who escaped from prison and has lived for the past several decades in communist Cuba, where she continues to serve as an icon for communist revolutionaries worldwide. Chesa Boudin, who was a friend and supporter of the late Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, says he holds the same values espoused by his unrepentant terrorist parents (Gilbert and Boudin) and adopted parents (Ayers and Dohrn). Like Caban, Krasner, Rollins, and Foxx, Chesa Boudin intends to “transform” our criminal justice system. No doubt, there are many things about our laws and criminal justice system that genuinely need reforming, but the “transformation” these revolutionaries have in mind is quite something else.

Photo of George Soros: AP Images

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