Soda-sneering Bloomberg Says (Again) He May Seek Presidency — as a Democrat

The man who switches political affiliations like clothes but manages to remain left-wing throughout, ex-NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg, is again talking about running for president as a Democrat. He absolutely is in many ways the perfect Democrat candidate, too — for the year 1986. As for 2018, he’s got the wrong color and sex combination for today’s identity-politics-über-alles Dems.

By don’t tell that to Little Bug Gulp (LBG — my affectionate nickname for the soda-sneering billionaire). As the New York Times reports:

Michael R. Bloomberg is actively considering a campaign for president as a Democrat in 2020, concluding that it would be his only path to the White House even as he voices stark disagreements with progressives on defining issues including bank regulation, stop-and-frisk police tactics and the #MeToo movement.

… After a gun control-themed event in a Seattle community center Friday, Mr. Bloomberg, who has repeatedly explored running for president as an independent in the past, said in an interview that he now firmly believes only a major-party nominee can win the White House. If he were to run, Mr. Bloomberg said it would be as a Democrat, and he left open the door to changing his party registration in the coming months.

“It’s impossible to conceive that I could run as a Republican — things like choice, so many of the issues, I’m just way away from where the Republican Party is today,” Mr. Bloomberg said. “That’s not to say I’m with the Democratic Party on everything, but I don’t see how you could possibly run as a Republican. So if you ran, yeah, you’d have to run as a Democrat.”

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Except, LBG’s problem is that he’s neither fish nor fowl — with ideas foul to all. Aside from his already explained issues appealing to modern leftists, as I wrote in June:

LBG said previously that he didn’t run for president because he realized be couldn’t win as an independent. Why not? Well, as the New York Times explained, “Scratch Bloomberg’s Surface, Find a Democrat.”

You needn’t scratch deeply, either. LBG is pro-LGBT; supports faux marriage and prenatal infanticide; and has been conspiring to thwart Second Amendment rights, launching a $50 million 2014 anti-gun effort. Moreover, he “doesn’t mind taxing the rich on their income or big companies on their carbon emissions … says that deporting illegal immigrants would destroy the nation’s economy … [and] is not necessarily averse to adding more bureaucrats to the government payroll,” the Times reported.

But what really epitomized LBG’s nanny-statism — and earned him his moniker — was his 2012 effort to ban many sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces. Ostensibly the goal was to fight obesity, though comedian Dennis Miller theorized that the diminutive mayor didn’t like Big Gulps because he “had to look up at the rim.” 

But now he’ll be left looking back at the past. Aside from being Jewish (we’ve never had a Jewish president), LBG is yesterday’s Democrat candidate. You see, the Times, whose analysis is ever behind the times, missed the main reason LBG has no chance to capture the Democrat nomination: He’s a white male.

I pointed out way back in 2007-8 that Senator John Edwards (D-N.C.) would have no luck becoming the Democrat presidential nominee because, in our politically correct climate, the Left’s electorate would never choose a white male over a woman, Hillary Clinton, and a black man, Barack Obama.

In fact, while the leftist narrative held during that election that “racism” made being black a political liability, an October 2008 Gallup poll revealed the truth: Six percent of Americans were less likely to vote for Obama because of his race.

But nine percent were more likely to vote for him because of it.

Note, too, that this was not a poll of just liberals but of all Americans.

So what’s the reality with anti-white biases today, in 2018, when considering just the Democrat electorate? As I also wrote in June, “Consider Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who just stunned the establishment by winning a primary race against the favored 20-year incumbent, House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.). In part, she prevailed by playing the race card, essentially saying that no one should vote for a white man. It’s such a significant factor that the Washington Post ran the Wednesday headline, ‘The worst thing to be in many Democratic primaries? A white male candidate.’”

I continued, “The point is that cultural affirmative action reigns; the anti-white, group-politics-obsessed Democrat electorate desperately wants to see the first _______ president (woman, Hispanic, etc.) and virtue signal by being part of such history. And with LBG especially, can you imagine the talk of ‘white privilege’? The Left bemoans how today’s civilization was shaped by ‘dead white males’ — well, they don’t want tomorrow’s shaped by live ones.”

That possible presidential aspirants such as LBG, Governor Andrew Cuomo, and ex-Vice President Joe Biden don’t understand this factor reflects the dislocation from reality that makes them liberals. It’s also an example of their being hoisted with their own petards, as these leftists have long helped cultivate the current anti-white, politically correct environment. Don’t feel too sorry for them, though. They’ve gotten rich playing their race card — unlike the blue-collar white men who have to suffer for their pseudo-elite virtue-signaling.

Photo of Michael Bloomberg: Voice of America