Pence Urges “Values Voters” to Turn Out for Midterm Elections

Speaking at the 13th Annual Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. on September 22, Vice President Mike Pence warned conservative faith voters that as the midterm elections approach, they must not become complacent if Republicans are going to hold on to their majority in Congress.

“With 45 days to go, my fellow conservatives, as you’d heard at this summit, now is the time for the sake of America to pray, to vote, to stand,” Pence told the attendees. “And I know you will. The other side is mobilized, and some say they’re motivated as never before.”

Pence continued:

But I say we must match — in fact, I say we must surpass — the energy of the American left and their enthusiasm and passion. And if we do, we will win. The truth is complacency is the greatest threat to our majority on Capitol Hill. And so I encourage you to leave here today with a burden on your heart, to get out the vote. We’ll win if we get out the vote. As the president said two nights ago in Las Vegas with his usual economy of words — [laughter] — you got to get out for the midterms.

During his address, Pence also spoke about Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his battle to gain confirmation to the Supreme Court in the midst of unsupported allegations of attempted sexual assault:

Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a man of integrity with impeccable credentials and a proven judicial philosophy. On the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, he wrote more than 300 opinions that reflect a strong record of support for limited government, religious liberty, and our Second Amendment. He’s a conservative who will interpret the Constitution as written, and his record and career deserves the respect of every member of the United States Senate. 

But honestly, the way some Democrats have conducted themselves during this process is a disgrace, and a disservice to the Senate and the American people. That being said, the president and I are confident that Senate Republicans will manage this confirmation properly with the utmost respect for all concerned. And I believe that Judge Brett Kavanaugh will soon be Justice Brett Kavanaugh and take his seat on the Supreme Court of the United States of America. 

 Photo: AP Images

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