Olbermann Unhinged: Trump Is Staging a Coup, Should Be Arrested. Carlson Smear Deleted

Leftist Keith Olbermann delivered yet another of his unhinged rants last night, this one calling for the arrest of President Trump because he is, Olberman lied, advocating the violent overthrow of a Biden presidency.

The silly claim is in the 22nd installment of Olbermann’s video series, “Olbermann vs. Trump,” titled “Trump Loses Mind, Begins 2024 Campaign.”

Olbermann tweeted likewise, and added that Fox talker Tucker Carlson should be arrested for the same reason: promoting violent revolution.

When YouTube and Twitter will ban Olbermann for violating their guidelines is anyone’s guess, but in any event, Olbermann has along history of demented commentary.

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Coup Attempt
Calling Trump “President Karen,” Olbermann delivered the usual unhinged rant.

“On Twitter, Trump is trying to foment the violent overthrow of what will shortly be the duly-elected govt of the united states of america and should be charged as such,” he said. “And he is also still trying to overthrow the government by judicial coup.”

Then he claimed that Trump will run again in 2024 if he loses to Democrat Joe Biden’s vote fraudsters.

It will be a “final middle finger extended to American democracy and decency,” he fumed, and

because he has become addicted to the adoration … Trump would finally utter a breathless sentence sounding something like this: “I concede and I’m running for president in 2024. The rallies start next Friday.”

Olbermann quoted the New York Times: “For months, as his chances of being re-elected dwindled, Mr. Trump told advisers — sometimes joking, sometimes not — that should he lose he would promptly announce that he was running again in 2024,” the newspaper reported.

He also called Trump a “semi-human individual”

Olbermann preceded the 10-minute rant with a tweet: “It is necessary to remove, and arrest, the president of the United States,” he wrote. “Tonight.”

Then came the tweet to promote the video:

TRUMP HAS LOST HIS MIND AND MUST BE REMOVED, TONIGHT. The coup attempt, we can survive. A mentally incompetent president, we may not. Instead, he will stay, and when he concedes he will simultaneously begin a campaign for 2024.

Then, in a tweet he likely deleted because he feared a lawsuit, Olbermann called for the arrest of Fox talker Tucker Carlson. Responding to a tweet that suggested Carlson wants a violent anti-Biden revolution, Olbermann offered this gem:

This is an overt and unmistakable call for widespread violence and requires the arrest of @Tucker Carlson.

It’s worth observing that Carlson’s program reached an all-time cable-news record of 5.36 million nightly viewers in October.

Olbermann’s YouTube channel boasts 117,000 subscribers.

On November 3, Olberman tweeted that Trump was a “whiny little Kunta Kinte,” which invited a furious reaction on Twitter. Kunta Kinte is the main character in Alex Haley’s plagiarized novel Roots, which became a hit miniseries in 1977.

Olbermann’s apology dubiously asserted that calling someone a “Kunta Kinte” was a way of calling them a vile name without using the vile name.

Last month, he called Trump a terrorist and said all of his supporters, including even television hosts, “must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society.”

Old MacDonald Cornell” Grad
A former sports broadcaster, Olbermann has been ranting like a lunatic for years.

In 2017, he tweeted that the president and his family “have done more damage to America than Bin Laden + ISIS combined,” then repeated the deranged remark on The View.

In 2009, he called conservative columnist Michelle Malkin a “big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it.”

In a rant about President George W. Bush,  he screwed himself into a frothing rage and threw his papers at the camera.

Though Olbermann brags that he attended Cornell University, conservative columnist Ann Coulter observed that he did not attend the Ivy League school with which everyone is familiar. Instead, she reported, Olbermann went to “Old MacDonald” Cornell.”

Wrote Coulter:

The real Cornell, the School of Arts and Sciences (average SAT: 1,325; acceptance rate: 1 in 6 applicants), is the only Ivy League school at Cornell and the only one that grants a Bachelor of Arts degree. Keith went to an affiliated state college at Cornell, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (average SAT: about that of pulling guards at the University of South Carolina; acceptance rate: 1 of every 1.01 applicants). Olbermann’s incessant lying about having an “Ivy League education” when he went to the non-Ivy League ag school at Cornell would be like a graduate of the Yale locksmithing school boasting about being a “Yale man.”

Olbermann was not amused.

H/T: The Daily Caller