Kavanaugh Classmate Says Assault Didn’t Happen

The last-minute assault claim against Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a lie.

That’s the word from Mark Judge, Kavanaugh’s classmate at Georgetown Prep, a Catholic boys school, who is accused of watching the crime.

Judge spoke to The New York Times and The Weekly Standard, flatly denying — along with 65 women — that Kavanaugh would do such a thing.

That isn’t the Kavanaugh he knows.

11th-Hour Smear Job

The assault claim oozed out of the fetid fever swamp of the Left, which had been trying to derail Kavanaugh one with lie after another, as The New American has reported.

Unable to stop the eminently qualified jurist, Sen. Dianne Feinstein sent a stink bomb to the FBI that claimed Kavanaugh assaulted a woman while he was in high school.

The New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow, who has chronicled the sex crimes and outrages of perverts in Hollywood and media, got hold of the letter and published its contents. The account is short and lacks detail, but it’s just enough to smear the judge.

The woman “alleged that, during an encounter at a party, Kavanaugh held her down, and that he attempted to force himself on her. She claimed in the letter that Kavanaugh and a classmate of his, both of whom had been drinking, turned up music that was playing in the room to conceal the sound of her protests, and that Kavanaugh covered her mouth with his hand. She was able to free herself.”

Kavanaugh, of course, denies it happened, as does Judge, who contributes to The Daily Caller and Real Clear Religion and wrote a book about this time at the prep school.

“I never saw anything like what was described,” Judge told The New York Times:

Further, he said, it did not match Mr. Kavanaugh’s character: “It is not who he is.” He said that the two were around each other constantly in high school, and recalled him as a “brilliant student,” who was very into sports, and was not “into anything crazy or illegal.”

Mr. Judge … said that the students were raised in Catholic homes and taught that the kind of behavior as described in the letter would not be tolerated. “Something like that would stick out,” he said, “which is why I don’t think it would happen.”

Judge also spoke to The Weekly Standard, a publication for which he writes. “It’s just absolutely nuts. I never saw Brett act that way,” Judge told the magazine.

Judge didn’t know the anonymous accuser fingered him until Farrow told him.

Reported The Weekly Standard:

The New Yorker did not provide him the name of the woman alleging wrongdoing, a specific date of the alleged incident, or the location where the incident is alleged to have occurred. The woman alleging misconduct has requested that her identity be protected, according to media reports.

After Judge categorically denied ever witnessing an attempted assault by Kavanaugh, I asked him if he could recall any sort of rough-housing with a female student back in high school (an incident that might have been interpreted differently by parties involved). “I can’t. I can recall a lot of rough-housing with guys. It was an all-boys school, we would rough-house with each other,” he said said. “I don’t remember any of that stuff going on with girls.”

Judge says he still does not know the name of the woman who made the allegations.

Abortion Lobbyist: Anonymous Charges OK

So the woman won’t step forward. Details are not forthcoming — not even where the crime occurred. Yet amazingly, the Times reported, we are to believe the mere allegation mean Kavanaugh is unfit to serve.

The Times quoted abortion-industry lobbyist Ilyse Hogue: “A woman’s identity should not have to be revealed to take her story seriously and pursue justice on her behalf. The charge of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh is disqualifying and we call on him to immediately withdraw his nomination for the Supreme Court.”

One wonders where Ms. Hogue was when Hillary Clinton was smearing her husband’s accusers, who were not anonymous and brought forth credible accusations of violent rape.

Photo: marchmeena29/iStock/Getty Images Plus

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