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“C’mon, man!” would often be an exclamation used in place of argument for Joe Biden. But now he may want to say “C’mon, men!” — even though it likely won’t help. With what?

Biden is underwater with male voters, a phenomenon that has only worsened since his cognitive decline was on full display during the presidential debate.

In fact, Biden is even bleeding support among black and Hispanic men, two demographics that have traditionally supported him.

That women are more likely to support Democrats, in a political phenomenon known as the “gender gap” (should be “sex gap,” actually), is nothing new. In the 2018 midterms, for example, men supported the GOP percentage-wise 51-47; women broke Democratic 59-40, however, enabling the party to capture the House of Representatives with a startling 41-seat gain.

The longer-term picture is even more striking. As commentator Ann Coulter pointed out in 2003, in “every presidential election since 1950 — except Goldwater in ’64 — the Republican would have won, if only the men had voted.”

(It goes beyond this, however. For if only men voted, more conservative candidates would emerge from the Democratic primaries, and Republican contenders would be even more traditionalist than at present.)

Men Leaning Right

But now the male-female party-support disparity has widened further still. As the left-wing Daily Beast reports, “Previously reliable Democratic voters, including Black, Hispanic, and young men, have shifted rightward. And Biden’s increasingly visible frailty doesn’t help the Democratic math.”

“While women actually moved slightly towards Biden after the debate,” the Beast continues, “men defected en masse: Trump’s already-commanding lead among men nearly doubled, from 12 points to 23. In late June, just before the debate, Biden was leading Trump among men under 30; afterwards, Trump has pulled ahead among this group by 9 points.” (Note: The Beast appears to have misread this. The New York Times/Siena College poll it cites shows that Trump leads by nine among voters under 30 in general.)

The Beast also poses a question, wondering “whether Democratic advantages with women will outweigh Republican advantages with men….” If the Times poll is accurate, however — and if the vote-fraud factor (which could render all this moot) is discounted — the answer appears no.

While women’s support for the Democratic Party has often exceeded men’s support for the GOP, this has reversed. As mentioned earlier, the poll informs that men currently back Trump, not including “leaners,” 49-27, or by 22 points (the Beast mistakenly said 23); women break for Biden by only six points, however, 39-33. The disparity is even greater when including leaners and excluding third-party candidates.

Younger Voters

The intersex ideology gap this reflects is greater still among younger age groups. In fact, “Gallup data shows that after decades where the sexes were each spread roughly equally across liberal and conservative world views, women aged 18 to 30 are now 30 percentage points more liberal than their male contemporaries,” the Financial Times reported earlier this year. “That gap took just six years to open up.”

As Business Insider noted in January, this is striking. “While the gender gap is an enduring feature of American politics, at no time in the past quarter century has there been such a rapid divergence between the views of young men and women,” the site wrote. “The startling speed of the change suggests something more significant is going on than just new demographic patterns, such as rising rates of education or declining adherence to a religion — the change points to some kind of cataclysmal event.”

Some may say that having a senile president and a brash, take-no-prisoners challenger contending for the White House is cataclysmal enough. But there’s more to it.

Both Business Insider and the Financial Times mention the #MeToo movement as a key factor in women’s burgeoning liberalism, uniting many females in left-wing feminist grievance politics. (The irony is that perhaps 90 percent of those implicated in sexual misconduct via #MeToo were leftists. This, mind you, is likely why the movement fizzled.)

Response to Feminism

In contrast, some young fellows are recoiling at feminism. “For a growing number, feminism has less to do with promoting gender equality and more to do with simply attacking men,” Business Insider also tells us. “A 2022 survey by the Southern Poverty Law Center found that 46% of Democratic men under 50 agreed that feminism has done more harm than good — even more Republican men agreed. In our recent poll, roughly one in four male Gen Zers said they have experienced more gender discrimination than older men. And less than half of Gen Z men identified as feminists, with only half saying they support the #MeToo movement, compared to 72% of women.”

Whatever the case, what it all boils down to, according to the Beast, is that “Joe Biden has 99 problems this week—and men are a big one.” Yet as a commenter under the article put it, “Joe Biden has a bigger problem: His own Alzheimer’s.”

Despite this, the quite biased Daily Beast attributes this male Trump support to “fear.” This is ironic coming from ideologists who trade in fear — e.g., “MAGA is ‘fascist’!” “Trump will be a dictator and end ‘democracy’!”

More likely is that men — who studies show are better informed on politics than women are and who are the more objective sex — realize that it may not be a good idea voting for people who have made life unaffordable, have flooded the country with illegals, and will mutilate children in “transgenderism’s” name.

As for emotional appeal, Biden is weak and frail while the brash Trump appears a man’s man. And men have taken notice.