Grassley-Johnson Letter on Biden E-mail Scandal Remains Unanswered. VP Biden Used Private Addresses to Send Gov’t E-mails.
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In the summer of 2016, Hillary Clinton and her campaign hatchet men conceived the Russia Collusion Hoax to destroy then-GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump. Clinton had to distract the world from her own scandal. As secretary of state, she had illegally used a private server to send and receive official e-mails.

But that wasn’t the only potentially dangerous Democrat e-mail scandal. The other involved then-Vice President Biden, who with son Hunter, had set up the Biden-Burisma influence-peddling scheme.

Biden, it turns out, did just about the same thing as Clinton. He used at least three secret e-mail addresses, the New York Post reported in July, which were used to send government information to his son. GOP Senators Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin asked the National Archives about the matter and whether the e-mails were properly memorialized.

To date, the letter remains unanswered either by the archives or the White House counsel.

Off-the-books E-mails

“Two US Senators say they’ve received no response from the White House counsel’s office to their July 30, 2021 letter asking about Joe Biden’s use of private email for government business as vice president,” freelance journalist Sharyl Attkisson reported this week.

The unanswered two-page inquiry directed at David Ferriero, national archivist, said Biden “used private email for government use and as part of that use he sent government information to his son, Hunter Biden.”

Biden’s pseudonyms for the e-mail addresses were, and JRBWare.

JRB is clearly Joseph Robinette Biden, now POTUS 46.

Johnson and Grassley’s letter riffed off Miranda Devine’s report in the Post, which had divulged the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop. E-mails from the laptop included one from Burisma Holdings advisor Vadym Pozharskyi, who thanked Hunter for arranging a meeting with his father.

That e-mail proved that Joe Biden did know about his son’s business ventures, contrary to what he said. In fact, he was up to his elbows in those shady enterprises, which included Red China. When Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, was paying Hunter a fortune, Biden senior strong-armed the country into firing the prosecutor who was investigating the company.

“As vice president, Joe Biden kept a variety of private email addresses from which he would sometimes forward and receive government correspondence, Hunter Biden’s laptop shows,” Devine reported:

“Robin Ware,” “Robert L. Peters” and “JRB ware” were three such pseudonyms on e-mails that mixed official and family business.

In a four-week period in 2016, for instance, John Flynn, who worked in the Office of the Vice President, sent Joe his official daily schedule to his private e-mail address and copied Hunter.

There were 10 such e-mails copied to Hunter between May 18 and June 15, 2016.

In one e-mail from Flynn to Joe, a k a Robert Peters, on May 26, 2016, and copied to Hunter, the schedule includes “8.45am prep for 9am phonecall with Pres Poroshenko.”

But then-Vice President Biden was sending e-mails through the accounts too, Devine reported. On March 26, 2012, Biden forwarded an e-mail about Ukraine to sons Hunter and Beau. A brain tumor killed Beau Biden in 2015.

Worst thing was, it was an e-mail from the American ambassador to Ukraine through the No. 2 man in the State Department, Antony Blinken:

“The e-mail was from Deputy Secretary of State (now Secretary of State) Antony Blinken,” Devine reported, “forwarding an e-mail from US Ambassador to Ukraine John Tefft: “Beau visited Kyev [Ukraine] on the Friday and gave a talk on corruption at the Hyatt … then attended reception at the residence where he met many young Ukrainian lawyers. We received many compliments on his presentation and for simply a frank discussion of a problem that still bedevils this country.”…

The use of private e-mail not only could represent a conflict of interest with official duties, the services are also more prone to hacking than government accounts.

As well, it might mean that Biden tried to skirt the requirement that all official documents are preserved in accordance with the law.

“If these reports are accurate,” Johnson and Grassley wrote, “it is unclear whether then Vice President Biden forwarded these and related emails to a government account to ensure that they satisfied federal record-keeping and archival requirements.”

The senators worry that Biden is still emailing off-the-books “to provide government information to his family members, including Hunter Biden.”

No Answer, No Problem

Likelihood is, Biden’s torpedoes will ignore Grassley and Johnson. So no one will learn why Biden used e-mail cutouts, or what else he might have sent that was not on Hunter’s laptop.

If that’s the case, he would be the second Obama administration alumnus to skate away from violating strict government rules on using private e-mail accounts to send government documents. Aside from not preserving those documents, Biden might have spilled government secrets.

That’s what Clinton did when she used a private e-mail server to send and receive government secrets.

Though Clinton clearly broke the law, FBI Director James Comey did not charge her. She did not, he said, intend to break the law.

Just before the 2020 presidential election, which Biden won partly because he and the leftist media lied about his son’s laptop, which they called “Russian Disinformation,” John Ratcliffe, director of national intelligence, said the Obama administration knew that Clinton and her campaign legmen concocted the Russia Collusion Hoax.

The reason: To keep the eyes of the media diverted from her e-mail scandal and help her into the White House.