E-mail: Biden DOJ Nominee Might Have Lied to Senate About Knowledge of Cop Killer
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Kristen Clarke, President Joe Biden’s hard-left, anti-white nominee to run the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, is more than a black supremacist who would defund the cops.

The nominee for assistant attorney general peddled the lie that convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal is innocent, and she apparently thinks cops are comparable to Klansmen, an e-mail she sent in 1999 shows. Even worse, the e-mail suggests that she lied during her confirmation hearing when she said she was clueless about Abu-Jamal, a much-celebrated hero to the radical left.

Unearthed by the American Accountability Project, the latest on Clarke comes weeks after the AAP produced proof that Clarke helped organize a conference to defend cop killers that same year.

The e-mail by Clarke confirms a simple truth: Biden has nominated an anti-cop radical to help run the Justice Department.

The E-mail

The email, produced at AAP’s BidenNoms.com, included an unhinged rant by the late Amiri Baraka. Baraka was an anti-white, anti-American “poet” who spent his life in brooding resentment.

“Most American white men are trained to be fags,” the pro-Castro Baraka wrote in 1965, but anyway, Clarke forwarded Baraka’s bizarre offering to a professor, Manning Marable, who edited a radical magazine.

Among the gems Clark thought were fit for publication were these:

• “The Klan is now the Police, with Blue uniforms replacing the sheets and hoods.” 

• “The corrupt racist Ludges, are petty Klan administrators, The ‘Kleagles’ of the bourgeois state’s ‘Klaven’, their courts, the midnight torch burning torture sessions, before the neck stretching and black corpse burning.”

• “Black Churches are still being burned by the sons and daughters of the Confederacy.”

Included in the piece — a long string of gibberish, false accusations, and racialist nonsense — was the inevitable defense of Abu-Jamal, who murdered Philadelphia cop Daniel Faulkner in 1982:

Mountains of evidence and testimony show clearly that Mumia is another Black scapegoat, another Lynch victim. The Kleagle, Judge [Albert] Sabo, who like traditional Kleagles, wears no hood, is the leading butcher of black people, by thinly disguised Lynch law.

In fact, “mountains of evidence” show that Abu-Jamal brutally murdered Faulkner, but anway, Clarke wanted Marable to publish the piece and use it in a panel discussion on race and the death penalty.

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Always Backed Cop Killers

Two weeks ago, AAP passed documents to Fox News that showed Clarke, as a law-school student in 1999, helped organize an anti-cop, anti-law-and-order conference.

Conference organizers called murderers such as Mumia “political prisoners,” Fox reported of the revelatory documents. 

Other so-called political prisoners were Assata Shakur (Joanne Chesimard), who murdered a New Jersey State Trooper 1973. The murderess escaped prison and is still on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist List

Another favorite of Clarke’s conference speakers and attendees was Susan Rosenberg, a member of the May 19th Communist Organization, that bombed the U.S. Capitol on November 7, 1983. Rosenberg was sentenced to 58 years in prison when she was caught with explosives. President Bill Clinton pardoned her.

Reported Fox, “multiple speakers at the conference referred to the death row inmates as ‘political prisoners,’ or ‘POWs.’”

One of them, of course, was Abu-Jamal, whom Marable actually believed was innocent because, he told conference attendees, he “never received a fair trial and was tried by a racist judge.”

At her confirmation hearing on April 14, Clarke claimed she knows nothing about Abu-Jamal and only provided “logistical support” for the conference. How she could be unfamiliar with Abu-Jamal given the piece from Baraka, which she sent to Marable, we are not given to know.

The claim raises obvious questions: Despite her ideological disposition, wasn’t Clarke curious about the high-profile Abu-Jamal after reading Baraka’s screed? Did she learn nothing about it despite being at Columbia Law School and in the ensuing 20 years, and, as president of the Lawyers’ Committee on Civil Rights Under Law, does she still know nothing?

Can she really be that out of touch, and if she is, what kind of assistant attorney general will she make?

That aside, Clarke’s record of racialist activities goes back to her college days. At Harvard, Clarke wrote that blacks are genetically superior to whites. 

“Human mental processes are controlled by melanin — that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities,” Clarke believed. “Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities — something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards.”

In Newsweek last year, again, she advocated defunding the police.

Mumia Abu-Jamal

As for Abu-Jamal, few if any serious observers believe a conspiracy of racist cops, prosecutors, and judges framed him.

Still, the cop-killer has long been a cause célèbre for the radical left, including the usual Hollywood busybodies. Although Abu-Jamal dodged the hot squat when a judge overturned his death sentence, courts have repeatedly upheld the conviction.

Even if Clarke doesn’t support the cop-killer today, even if she were to disavow her association with advocates for revolutionary violence who think cop-killing terrorists are “political prisoners,” there remains her view of police.

Biden’s nominee to help run the Justice Department wants to defund them.

H/T: The Daily Caller