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Gavin Newsom
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Leaders who don’t have to worry about elections can abuse power to their hearts’ content. This explains not just the behavior of autocratic regimes in non-democratic countries such as China and North Korea, of course, but also what transpires in Venezuela, where the ruling party can rig the vote. The latter sad reality is also becoming a factor in the United States, and California’s upcoming recall election may be another indicator of just how far down the banana-republic rabbit hole we are.

Democrat fair-haired boy Governor Gavin Newsom is on the chopping block and, becoming increasingly unpopular, has ratcheted up the propaganda efforts. As to this, Newsom has “put out hysterical ads denouncing the recall as a white supremacist plot and a dread Republican-led takeover,” writes commentator Monica Showalter. “He’s studiously ignoring, or now lamenting, things like California’s homeless crisis, its monster lockdowns, its failing schools, its powerful teachers’ unions, its illegals surge, its mismanaged unemployment benefits, its residents fleeing, and other malfeasance, saying it’s just Republicans on the loose” — in what is now a one-party (Democrat) state.

But it’s to no avail. In fact, “51% of likely California voters would vote ‘yes’ to recall Gov. Newsom, according to a Survey USA poll,” reported Business Insider last week. Only 40 percent would vote to retain the governor.

“These new numbers show a stark reversal from voters in just three months … the site further informs.” A similar poll conducted by Survey USA in May found only 36% of likely voters were in favor of Gov. Newsom’s recall, with 47% opposed to his removal from office.”

The poll also shows that “Republicans support [the] recall by an 8:1 margin; Democrats oppose by a smaller 3:1 margin. Independents support recalling the Governor by 5:3,” writes Survey USA itself.

In contrast, polls show conservative commentator Larry Elder, cut from the Ronald Reagan mold ideologically, rising fast, relates Showalter. She cites 29-year-old real-estate developer and center-right Democrat Kevin Paffrath as another contender, mentioning that he rated higher in one poll than did Elder.

Also telling is that Hispanics — who vote heavily Democrat and are 40 percent of California’s population — don’t like Newsom. In fact, 54 percent of them definitely don’t want him, according to an Inside Politics/Emerson poll. And the “rule” is that if a Democrat loses a majority of the Hispanic vote, he’s toast.

Yet the rule only applies when elections are honest. This brings us to a Trending Politics report. “California’s recall election may be an exercise in futility unless voters put in safeguards to stop a downloadable ballot system from leading to ballot harvesting in order to keep unpopular Governor Gavin Newsom in office,” the site informs.

“The ‘Remote Accessible Ballots for Eligible Voters’ is being touted by California Secretary of State Shirley Weber as a way for voters to download ballots in the ‘comfort of their own home.’”

This was instituted already for last November’s election. Originally intended as an option for disabled and overseas voters, it’s now the only option for a morally disabled party.

Thus will this feature “also be available to all voters for the September 14, 2021 California Gubernatorial Recall Election beginning on August 16, 2021,” the Secretary of State website tells us. “The electronic ballot can be downloaded to the voter’s computer, marked using the voter’s own assistive technology and then printed.”

“The extension of the RAVBM system to all California voters, when it is typically used for disabled and military/overseas ballots, is raising alarms with election observers,” notes Trending Politics. It then presents the following tweet:

Of course, everyone who’s anyone in politics knows that leftists push mail-in voting precisely because it facilitates fraud. Why, the mail-in vote fraud was so egregious in Patterson, New Jersey’s May 12, 2020 election between two Democrats that a judge ordered a new election be held. Also know that this skullduggery was only exposed because the fraudsters were amateurish, explained a Democrat operative who spoke to the New York Post last summer under the condition of anonymity; this man revealed that he and his “team” had been committing mail-in vote fraud in numerous states for years and that it was significant enough to “flip states.” So it’s no wonder that France, recognizing mail-in voting’s vulnerability, made it illegal in 1975.

Moreover, this “is far from the only mechanism they’ve used to try to rig the election,” Showalter also notes. “It’s not just junk-mail ballots, zero-ID voting, and ballot-harvesting, which are all a fraudster’s dream. They tried to keep Larry Elder off the ballot at all, using a made-up technicality over records disclosure that was laughed out of court. It signals that they fear Elder and will try anything to keep their one-party blue dictatorship entrenched in power.”

They certainly may fear Elder. Not only is he conversant with the issues as a top-notch social commentator, but he’s used to being on TV and radio, is articulate, honest, and is a breath of fresh air who comes from outside politics. He also robs the Democrats of an identity politics attack angle because he’s black.

Yet will this matter? Showalter mentions that when “the numbers are big enough, they can’t cheat,” but what if the cheating is big enough? After leftists got away with a jump-the-shark version of vote fraud in 2020, nothing seems beyond them.

But two things are for certain. First, the full-bore vote fraud in question here really is a Democrat domain. Not only does the party control the big cities, where most of the fraud occurs but, as I’ve explained before, so-called leftism actually is better understood as movement toward moral disorder.  

This has been acknowledged by certain Democrats, too — in so many words. Just consider how Democrat operative Scott Foval, caught in a 2016 sting operation stealing votes and inciting violence at Trump rallies, essentially admitted Republicans are more honest. “There is a level of adherence to rules on the other side that only when you’re at the very highest level, do you get over,” he said. Many leftists know they’re scum – and they’re content as such.

The second truth is that too many Californians created the one-party-state situation by, owing to prejudice and moral corruption, empowering the wrong people. And coming to mind here is a leftist I knew years ago who actually said when explaining his rejection of some conservative candidates, “They seem too honest.”

Yes, many people, at least, certainly do get the government they deserve.