Democrats Postpone Convention Over Chinese Virus Fears, Biden Leads Sanders in RCP Average

The Chinese Virus has delayed the Democratic National Convention.

The party announced today it will hold its quadrennial meeting in August instead of July.

But the move won’t likely affect the highly anticipated outcome of the gathering to pick a presidential candidate. Numbers from the Real Clear Politics average of voter polls show that former Vice President Joe Biden will likely prevail in his fight against socialist Bernie Sanders.

Voters answering the pollsters are, apparently, less worried about Biden’s obvious signs of dementia than they are about turning the party over to an open socialist who thinks Fidel Castro walked on water, and whose staff members promise a nightmarish post-election landscape that will include gulags and firing squads for Americans who resist Sanders’ totalitarian socialist plans.

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Convention Moved
The Democrat confabulation had been scheduled for July 13, but after Biden suggested that his party postpone the event on the The Tonight Show, top Democrats agreed.

The new date for the meeting in Milwaukee is August 17.

Reported Politico:

In addition to postponing, DNC officials are discussing ways to scale back the convention. The committee is not flush with cash and wants to avoid the appearance of throwing a big party in the midst of a severe economic downturn.

“People are going to be hurting,” a DNC official said. “It’s not a time to be lavish.”

But appearances aren’t the only reason the rescheduled convention will be a smaller affair, the New York Times noted: “One senior Democratic official said the event would probably be a ‘bare minimum’ convention, with scores of people who had planned to come staying away either because of health concerns or because they had other plans for mid-August.”

As well, Politico reported, Biden and other top Democrats don’t want a virtual convention, as some have suggested. “Joe earned this and we do want something to mark that, but it’s really complicated,” a Biden source told the website.

Complicated is one word for it. Democrats will host their convention just a week before Republicans meet in Charlotte, North Carolina, on August 24.

“The proximity presents messaging challenges for both sides: Biden will not have as much time to enjoy a potential polling bounce before the RNC begins dominating coverage,” Politico reported. “And Republicans will not have as much time to plan out responses to speeches and events in Milwaukee.”

The new dates also complicate the Biden campaign’s financial situation, because it will not be able to access general election funds until August instead of July. Biden has relied more on wealthy donors who gave the maximum amount than Bernie Sanders did. But the former vice president isn’t legally allowed to access the portion of those contributions dedicated to the general election until he’s officially the nominee.

Biden’s Lead
Delay regardless, Biden is the likely winner.

The Real Clear Politics average of voter polls now puts Biden ahead of the elderly socialist by 20.5 points, 56-35.5

In 22 of the last 23 polls in the RCP measurement, Biden has prevailed by double digits. In 11 of the 23, and three of the last four, he’s won by more than 20 points.

Economist/YouGov of March 29-31 gave Biden a 15-point margin, 55-40. But the most recent Hill/HarrisX, Morning Consult, and Harvard-Harris polls were 22-,25-, and 26-point Biden victories.

As well, Biden leads Sanders in the delegate count, 1,217-914. Elizabeth Warren has a laughable 81.

Still, Sanders believes he might prevail.

“It is admittedly a narrow path,” he told Seth Myers on Monday’s Late Show. “But I would tell you, that there are a lot of people who are supporting me…. We have got to stay in, in order to continue to fight the fight, to make the world know that we need Medicare For All, that we need to raise the minimum wage to a living wage, that we need paid family and medical leave.”

And campaigns, he added, are ways to fight for his issues.

“One of the crises that we’re dealing with right now that we must address, climate change and education, all the issues that we have been talking about,” the old socialist said. “Campaigns are an important way to maintain that fight and raise public consciousness on those issues.”

A key concern for Democrats for some time now has been Biden’s mental condition. Some believe it’s deteriorating rapidly.

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Photo: AP Images

R. Cort Kirkwood is a long-time contributor to The New American and a former newspaper editor.