Democrat Loser in Iowa’s 2nd District Wants Recount. She’s Getting Paid by China.
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It’s remarkable how Democrats holler bloody murder when they think they have had their election stolen, but remain strangely silent when the shoe is on the other foot.

Take Rita Hart, for instance. A liberal Democrat running for Iowa’s 2nd Congressional seat against Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks, she lost the election by just six votes, a fact certified unanimously by Iowa’s election authorities.

No matter. It’s close enough for her to file a “Notice of Contest” with the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, claiming she was robbed, and for the House, under the tender care and mercies of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to declare the result null and void. A recount, she is persuaded, will give her the victory.

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She sounded just like the president. She claims:

Everyone [except of course her Republican opponent] has acknowledged that there are uncounted votes left and after reviewing those ballots and making sure they are counted, it will be clear that I have won this election.

It is crucial to me to make sure that this bipartisan review by the U.S. House is fair. Iowans deserve to know that the candidate who earned the most votes is seated. I am that candidate.

The hypocrisy also engulfed her attorney, who helped prepare the notice. Said Marc Elias:

Although it is admittedly tempting to close the curtain on the 2020 election cycle, prematurely ending this contest would disenfranchise Iowa voters and award the congressional seat to the candidate who received fewer lawful votes.

Elias concluded:

Iowa’s certified returns did not include every lawful ballot cast by every eligible voter in Iowa’s Second Congressional District. The errors and irregularities made in Iowa’s initial count of ballots and in the subsequent recount render the state’s certified returns patently inaccurate and unreliable.

Give the margin of this race, those errors are, if now corrected, sufficient to change the outcome of the election of favor of Contestant Hart, who is rightfully entitled to a seat [in the House of Representatives].

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, the old saying goes. But full disclosure is missing in the notice to Nancy: Hart is on the payroll of two Chinese Communist-controlled education institutions, a factor that was no doubt not mentioned during the the election as it was just discovered and exposed on Monday. Accuracy in Media (AIM), in doing some research on a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint against Hart, found evidence of the payola buried in a financial report Hart’s campaign committee filed back in May.

Concluded AIM: “[With Hart’s paid assistance] China is essentially establishing a school in the U.S. with Iowa’s help.”

But the mainstream media has found it convenient to ignore the publicly available revelations. Noted AIM:

At the time of publication, no news outlet has asked Hart about her salaries from Pangaea International Academy or Confucius International Education.

Hart is not alone:

Hart is just the latest in a string of Democrats being exposed for being tied to China, including the University of Pennsylvania’s Biden Center for Diplomacy and Public Engagement allegedly receiving undisclosed donations from China, as reported by Campus Reform, and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) being found to be connected to a suspected Chinese spy.

One suspects that, had this information uncovered by AIM been made public before the election, the six-vote plurality favoring Hart’s Republican opponent would undoubtedly have been vastly larger.