Crime, Inc.— The Movement Toward Global Government
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Twenty years ago, when anyone talked about an agenda that would ultimately lead to a global government, people scoffed at the possibility, ascribing it as a “conspiracy theory.” For even longer than that, The John Birch Society has been warning us about such a threat to American sovereignty, and while they’ve acquired a following of their own, most of their warnings were unheeded. Now that the United States of America is on its way to becoming the United States of the World, people are starting to pay attention, but is it too late?

Over the past few months, Glenn Beck has also made clear his belief that not only is global government a possibility, but that the process of achieving it is near fruition if not stopped in its tracks. Ironically, just one year ago, Beck refused believe such a theory. In his 2009 book Common Sense, Beck wrote, “It’s not just the political class who has mastered the art of deception. There are other potentially deadly masters who will seek to exploit your frustration and sense of desperation. Many will warn you of government tyranny; they’ll talk of secret societies, vast conspiracies, shadow governments…. There is no global conspiracy playing out.” Within the past year for Beck, however, evidence to the contrary has become insurmountable. It is amazing, and terrifying, what a little bit of research can uncover.

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Fortunately, Glenn Beck has been informing his audience about this global scheme, which he has named “Crime, Inc.” Every day, his viewers are left feeling overwhelmed and frightened by what they learn, not because he is a fearmonger, but because he allows the viewers to hear the truth right from the horses’ mouths.

Crime Inc. is centered around the Chicago Climate Exchange and involves major participants like Barack Obama, Joel Rogers (top organizer for the Progressive movement in the United States), Al Gore, Goldman Sachs, Van Jones, Maurice Strong (head of the United Nations Environmental Program), Union Leader Andy Stearn, Anita Dunn (Senior Communications Strategist for Obama), and John Holdren (Advisor to Obama for Science and Technology). These are just to name a few.  

In 1990, Maurice Strong said, “What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principle risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse?  Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about?” This was allegedly a speculative plot for a novel that Strong was considering writing, though Strong has not penned a novel before or after 1990. More than that, Strong is now the head of the United Nations Environmental Program, a position that provides him with the power to achieve that which he suggested in his quote.

Beck explains that Strong’s “novel thesis” breaks down into five key components:

bull; A small group of people;

bull; A threat to Earth;

bull; Rich countries are the problem;

bull; The only hope is to collapse the system;

bull; Control.

How are these components beginning to play out?  

Small Group of Dangerous People and Their Aspirations for the Use of Control

As I’ve mentioned, there is already a “small group of people” who subscribe to this theory of establishing a global government. But let’s look at what they have been saying that indicates their desire to accomplish what Strong suggested for a “novel.” Their statements alone indicate their subscription to the philosophies of redistribution of wealth and harsh government control. In October 2008, during his presidential campaign, then-candidate Barack Obama told Joe the Plumber that he does not begrudge him for his personal success, but believes that “when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”

In 1977, John Holdren wrote a book called Ecoscience in which he indicated support for forced abortions, sterilization through infertility drugs or through the nation’s drinking water or food, having babies seized from single mothers or teen mothers and given away to couples, requiring that “people who contribute to social deterioration … be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility” (i.e. more forced abortions or sterilizations), and creating a transnational “Planetary Regime” that controls the global economy and dictates the details of American lives by use of an armed international police force.  

In October 2009, Anita Dunn indicated that her favorite philosopher was brutal communist Mao Tse-Tung, whom she “turns to most to basically deliver a simple point.” Later, she attempted to backtrack from her statement and asserted that she intended her words to be taken in jest.

Maurice Strong has played a significant role in the formulation of the Earth Charter, “a statement on ethics and values for a sustainable future,” according to Strong. His website indicates: “The Charter’s purpose is to inspire in all peoples a sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the human family.” It is Strong’s goal that the Earth Charter be elevated to the same level as the “Ten Commandments.”

On March 1, 2010, former SEIU leader Andy Stearn spoke at the John F. Kennedy School of Government and remarked that the government has the ability to redistribute wealth through the EITC, tax policies, minimum wages, and that power can be “rebalanced” through the government and through unions. He also reprimanded the world’s powers for helping to achieve global trade, global finance, global companies, but not “global government.” Stearn argues that we need global regulation to regulate the global market that has been created. Andy Stearn is now Obama’s Commissioner for Fiscal Responsibility.  

Threat to Earth and Rich Countries Are the Problem

In case you haven’t yet figured it out, the threat to Earth that is being used to manipulate the masses into accepting a global government and economy is environmental.  

Have you noticed that the term “global warming” has morphed into “climate change” in recent months? The simple explanation is that in the 1970s, the Progressives first attempted to convince the country that “global cooling” was the immediate threat. But by the 1980s, scientists refuted that theory, prompting the Progressives to turn their attention to “global warming.” Now that “green” scientists are in the uncomfortable position of trying to reconcile increased ice formations at the southern polar cap, long periods of cooler temperatures, etc., with global-warming theories, they have changed the environmental issue to “climate change.”

It is through Progressive “fearmongering” that the planet is in peril that much of what they have set out to achieve has been successful. The Chicago Climate Exchange is a prime example of that. The CCX, coupled with the potential passing of the cap and trade bill, conveniently renamed the “American Power Act”, forces industrialized “wealthy” nations, like the United States, to pay for carbon credits. It is a scheme that the mafia only wish they invented first. Recently the Chicago Climate Exchange was sold to an international company, bringing us yet another step closer to global government.  

Only Hope Is to Collapse the System

Evidence of this is perhaps the most obvious of the five components. In the month of April alone, the deficit has surpassed $82 billion. In the two years since Obama has taken office, the United States added $1 trillion to the deficit, increasing the national debt to nearly $13 trillion.

Elsewhere, Greece’s socialist economy has collapsed and gave the world a glimpse of the effects of economic collapse, most notably an outbreak of violence and global calls for international influence on Greek spending. Unfortunately, the entire world has an investment in Greece’s economy through the International Monetary Fund and European Union, which has committed to funneling $1 trillion to help bolster the Greek economy. The United States contributes 17 percent to the IMF.

Even the New York Times had to admit that there are stark parallels between America’s “economic woes” and those of Greece, from high deficits to the creation of “nanny states.”

Despite the large loan to Greece, most do not foresee any real progress taking place. According to Michael Hewson, analyst at CMC Markets, “Unless measures are taken to deal with the underlying structural problems affecting the most indebted of eurozone nations, then the bailout package merely kicks the can down the road.”  

Germany has the most to lose with the recent loan to Greece. Allan Hall of the asserts, “In Germany, the uncertainties are having a far more immediate effect,“ since Germany has contributed the largest amount of money to Greece. He adds, “Hard-pressed taxpayers — led by a flailing coalition government that could be the template for one soon to be assembled in the UK — are being asked for more sacrifices to save a currency they never wanted at a time when the country has record postwar debt.”  

In addition to Greece, Pajamas Media reports that Spain is “in the throes of the worst economic crisis in its recent history,” with an unemployment rate of nearly 20 percent, and an “exploding budget deficit.”

Yet even as European economies are reporting failure, President Obama continues to try and transform the American economic system into those found in Europe, including vigorously pushing for a Value Added Tax.   

In a nutshell, those are the five components of Strong’s alleged “novel idea.” It may all be a major, intricate coincidence that his idea is becoming a reality, but that seems unbelievable at this point.  

Beck’s theory is far from new. In 1992, senior staff writer for The New American, William Jasper, wrote Global Tyranny, focusing on the goals and objectives of the United Nations, which Jasper perceived to be far-reaching. In 2001, he penned The United Nations Exposed where he continued to focus on the United Nation’s fate as “would-be global controllers.”

The John Birch Society has been warning Americans about the step-by-step establishment of global governance since its inception in 1959. But Americans became too comfortable and complacent. Now that Strong happens to work for the United Nations, while the other key participants in Crime, Inc. work for Obama, the likelihood that Jasper’s and now Beck’s theory of global government is not a “conspiracy” is minimal.

Americans need to wake up. It is not enough to simply become self-educated on the dangers this country now faces. Inform others. Call your local newspapers and media outlets and ask why they are not reporting on any of this. Do not rest until America is saved and our government is restored to the parameters set in the Constitution, which makes no mention of global governance. America needs its sovereignty to be protected. Will you stand up for your country?