Facing Firm Opposition, Obama Renews Assault on Gun Rights
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

As lawmakers face overwhelming pressure from constituents to uphold the Second Amendment and beat back what even some Democrats have called the “extreme” Obama administration-led assault on gun rights, the White House and its allies are pushing hard to shore up dwindling support. Despite the firm backing of radical groups like the Brady Campaign as well as billionaire anti-freedom zealot and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, however, lawmakers are largely still standing up against the vicious assault on citizens’ rights.

Speaking weeks before the Senate is expected to vote on a range of bills infringing on the unalienable right of Americans to keep and bear arms, Obama relied almost exclusively on half-baked emotional appeals rather than facts to push his controversial agenda. Mentioning last year’s Newtown massacre over a half-dozen times in his short speech — and continually harping on children murdered mostly in so-called “gun free zones” — the president sounded increasingly desperate as he begged lawmakers and the public to advance his unconstitutional assault on the Second Amendment.

“We all feel that it is our first impulse, as parents, to do everything we can to protect our children from harm; to make any sacrifice to keep them safe; to do what we have to do to give them a future where they can grow up and learn and explore, and become the amazing people they’re destined to be,” Obama said as his own children were under the protection of heavily armed Secret Service agents. “That’s why, in January, Joe Biden, leading a task force, came up with, and I put forward, a series of common-sense proposals to reduce the epidemic of gun violence and keep our kids safe.”     

Of course, in keeping with his long track-record of distorting the truth, the president claimed that all of his radical proposals were “consistent with the Second Amendment.” Instead of infringing on the rights of law-abiding gun owners, Obama claimed, his agenda would merely keep guns out of the hands of “dangerous” people — military veterans, for example, who may have suffered from PTSD after returning from the federal government’s lawless wars abroad.

“And this is our best chance in more than a decade to take common-sense steps that will save lives,” he claimed in the spirit of never letting a crisis go to waste, apparently oblivious to studies consistently showing that more guns are correlated with less crime. “As I said when I visited Newtown just over three months ago, if there is a step we can take that will save just one child, just one parent, just another town from experiencing the same grief that some of the moms and dads who are here have endured, then we should be doing it. We have an obligation to try.”

Among the proposals Obama touted was a deeply controversial effort to create “universal background checks” — a measure that analysts and critics have long pointed out is simply a backdoor scheme to create a national registry of weapons. While its proponents say the measure would help keep guns out of the hands of criminals, the facts show otherwise. Criminals, by definition, do not obey the law. Instead, prominent gun rights activists say the real agenda is to compile a record of who owns weapons, something governments worldwide have done throughout history prior to confiscation and oftentimes mass-murder.

“The instant background check is gun registration,” Gun Owners of America (GOA) chief Larry Pratt told The New American in a phone interview, adding that it was crucial for Congress stop it. “The government will not answer when we ask how they are destroying the names and addresses, as required by law, of those that have been checked. They just don’t respond; ‘so sue us’ is kind of the attitude that they have.”

Other assaults on the Second Amendment Obama pushed in his speech include the radical so-called “Assault Weapons Ban.” The deeply unpopular legislation is almost universally expected to crash and burn, with some analysts suggesting it may be a way to let vulnerable Democrats vote against it to shore up support from overwhelmingly pro-gun rights constituents. Another proposal would purport to ban standard-capacity magazines used in tens of millions of semi-automatic guns all across America.

Of course, Obama bemoaned the fact that tens of millions of Americans and numerous grassroots organizations like the National Rifle Association (NRA) and GOA are resisting his lawless attack. “They’re doing everything they can to make all our progress collapse under the weight of fear and frustration,” he whined in an Orwellian manner, calling on his supporters to get behind his unlawful schemes and lobby Congress. For Obama, however, “progress” appears to be defined as restricting freedom ever more vigorously.

Vice President Joe Biden, meanwhile, took it a step further, saying a ban on semi-automatic weapons and standard-capacity magazines was only the start of the assault. “Let me say this as clearly as I can: This is just the beginning,” Biden claimed on a conference call organized by Bloomberg’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns,” which is pouring millions of dollars into the full-blown assault on the Second Amendment. “We believe that weapons of war have no place on our streets.”

Apparently, however, the drones, armored personnel carriers and potentially billions of rounds of ammunition contracted by the Department of Homeland Security — all weapons of war, including hollow-point rounds banned by the Geneva Conventions — are excluded from Biden’s disdain for “weapons of war” on American streets. Critics have also pointed out the hypocrisy of pretending to care about children even as the administration continues to murder hundreds of children worldwide, including an American teen, using drone-fired missiles as part of its terror war.       

Of course, most of the assaults on gun rights are expected to go down in flames — especially with numerous Democrats in pro-gun states distancing themselves from the effort as polls show less than half of Americans favor more infringements on the Second Amendment. Assuming activists keep the pressure up, the GOP-controlled House is also expected to serve as a bulwark against unconstitutional gun control.

Just in case, however, a growing coalition of liberty-minded Republican Senators is pledging to filibuster any efforts to pass more unconstitutional infringements on the rights of Americans. Included on the growing list are Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). More are expected to join if the threat becomes imminent.

“The president asserts his new gun proposals will reduce violent crime, yet provides no evidence that these or any other law would have prevented tragedies such as Newtown,” explained Senator Lee, a popular liberty-minded lawmaker with a growing following of devoted supporters. “While having Congress vote on new gun laws may make the president feel like he’s doing something constructive, the proposals’ primary effect would be to limit the rights of law-abiding citizens.”

At the state level, meanwhile, governments are working on legislation to protect the rights of citizens as well. Numerous states, for example, are in the process of nullifying any potential federal gun-control legislation — restrictions on constitutionally guaranteed rights that would by definition be unconstitutional. Some states are even working to make it a felony for any federal agent to enforce lawless restrictions on gun rights.

Hundreds of sheriffs all across America are also promising to defend the Second Amendment, even if it means stopping the feds at the county line. “Anytime that they come against the Second Amendment, or try to say ‘we’re going to do this or we’re going to do that,’ well we here are not going to comply with that,” Jackson County, Kentucky, Sheriff Denny Peyman told The New American in a phone interview. “It goes back to the way our system is set up — with myself being the chief law-enforcement officer here — federal agents will not be allowed to come in here and do that.”

Some states are also coming up with common-sense approaches to dealing with school safety. South Dakota, for example, just passed a law allowing teachers and faculty to carry firearms on campus to defend themselves and their students if the need should ever arise. Supporters of the measure noted that virtually every mass shooting in America has happened in a so-called “gun-free zone,” which analysts have called “magnets” for would-be killers.

Of course, the president’s family, banks, government facilities, celebrities, mayors like Bloomberg, and other “important” people are all protected with firearms. Supporters of abolishing deadly “gun-free zones” wonder why American children, by contrast, must be “protected” only by ineffective signs advertising the fact that everyone in the vicinity is unarmed. There are currently at least two bills in the U.S. House of Representatives to repeal the controversial federal statute.  

According to analysts, anti-gun rights extremists are becoming increasingly desperate and hysterical — they know that if they fail this time, their lawless campaign to strip Americans of their God-given rights may well be crushed for generations. As such, gun rights advocates say it is more crucial than ever for supporters of the Second Amendment to do everything in their power to defend the unalienable right to keep and bear arms from Obama’s unconstitutional attacks.  

Photo of President Barack Obama speaking on gun control Mar. 28 at the White House: AP Images

Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, politics, and more. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com.

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