Brzezinski Sketches “Strategic Vision” for Putin’s KGB-Run Media

The major broadcast and cable TV shows, likewise, have been generous in their treatment of the book. Pretty typical of the promotion Brzezinski, Kissinger, Scowcroft, Greenspan and other anointed oracles of the globalist political class can expect. Of course, it doesn’t hurt, either, to have a high-profile daughter at MSNBC. Mika Brzezinski, who co-hosts Morning Joe with Joe Scarborough, guarantees that her father will be a frequent expert guest on the program (and other NBC programs), and features his books and videos prominently on her website.

There’s nothing at all unusual or remarkable about this general fawning and flattering by the “mainstream” media. However, Brzezinski’s interview in the April 2 online edition of Russia Beyond the Headlines highlights a disturbing trend of convergence among the media elites of Russia, China, the United States, and the European Union that parallels a similar convergence among the political and economic elites of the communist and capitalist countries. The Brzezinski interview, “Shining a Light on Russia’s Relationship With the West,” in an official Kremlin organ will be seen by many as another indication of positive steps forward being made in U.S.-Russia relations. But is it “progress” we should welcome?

During the Cold War, Soviet “journalists” for Pravda, Trud, Izvestia, and Novosti were almost universally recognized as shills for the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) and agents for the KGB. Besides slavishly toeing the party line and reliably spouting the current Politburo propaganda, they usually fit the stereotype of Soviet-era Russians: dour, sour, stolid, stodgy. Pravda, Trud, Izvestia, and Novosti (and many other Soviet-era communist publications) are still being published in Russia, but they have been given facelifts — and more. They now boast snappy websites, glitzy production values, and attractive news anchors and TV show hosts who appeal to foreign audiences. However, many of the current Russian journalists worked for the same organs during the Cold War as members of the Communist Party. And those who are younger still answer to the iron-handed Kremlin masters, now led by Vladimir Putin, the KGB veteran from the Soviet era.

These “reformed” Soviet media organs have been joined by a host of new media groups, some of which are still officially state owned, others that are ostensibly private (owned by Kremlin-approved oligarchs), and others that are listed as private-state partnerships. Russia Beyond the Headlines (RBTH) is one of the new outreach efforts by the Putin politburo.

“One of the best known foreign policy experts of our time, Zbigniew Brzezinski spoke to RBTH after the release of his 2012 book, Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power,” the RBTH interview announces. “The work examines the shift of global power from West to East and possible scenarios if the United States fails to maintain its stabilizing influence in the world.”

In the interview, Brzezinski reiterates a familiar theme that “Russia should be a member of Euro-Atlantic community” and that Russia’s outreach to the United States “is sincere because it is derived from rational and intelligent self-interest. I think that non-communist Russia realizes that if the forces of fundamentalism and extremism were to prevail in Afghanistan the results would spread to Central Asia and probably also to the 30 million Muslims within Russia.”

“Forces of fundamentalism and extremism”? That’s a bit of a flip-flop for the ever-prescient Brzezinski. In 1998, when the French publication Le Nouvel Observateur asked him whether he had any regrets over his role in arming and training many of the Mujahedeen who then turned into the rabidly anti-American Taliban and al-Qaeda terrorists, Brzezinski dismissed the concern as nonsensical piffle over “some stirred-up Moslems.” Here is the portion of that 1998 French interview relevant to the matter at hand:

Q: And neither do you regret having supported the Islamic [integrisme], having given arms and advice to future terrorists?

Brzezinski: What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?

Q: Some stirred-up Moslems? But it has been said and repeated: Islamic fundamentalism represents a world menace today.

Brzezinski: Nonsense!

During the Brzezinski-Carter Afghani operation, you understand, the Brzezinski/CFR/TC new world order crowd found it necessary to convince the American public that it was in our interests to support the supposed “good” Islamic Mujahedeen against the evil Soviet invaders. Now the roles are reversed and Brzezinski and company say we should ally ourselves with Putin’s Kremlin against (the formerly “good,” but now evil) “forces of fundamentalism and extremism.” One of the major problems with this is that the Brzezinski-Carter “Afghan Strategy” was a lie from the beginning, and the lie continues to confuse many about what really took place in the 1980s during the Soviet occupation.

As we have explained in detail in previous issues of The New American (for example, “How to Create an ‘Islamic Enemy,’” March 21, 1994), the U.S. aid to the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan went invariably and overwhelmingly not to moderates who were tried, trusted, and true anti-communists, but to the most virulently anti-American, pro-communist bands of cutthroats who rarely (or never) fought the Soviets, but instead regularly betrayed and murdered the other Mujahedeen who were genuinely fighting the Russians. The truth is that the “Mujahedeen” that Brzezinski-Carter strategy aided were the forces led by Gulbaddin Hekmatyar, General Abdul Rashid Dostam, Burhanuddin Rabbani, Ahmed Shah Masood, and Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, all of whom were (and are, if still alive) double-dealing, ruthless bandits, or outright communist, KGB-trained thugs.

Brzezinski and his Carter teammates knew all of this, of course, because it was pointed out to them many times in numerous reports and in public testimony before Congress. They nevertheless continued the lie and continued the murderous policy of supporting our sworn and proven enemies for over a decade. And now, many years later, we are engaged again back in Afghanistan — for over a decade — fighting the enemy the Brzezinski-Carter team created with our aid. Meanwhile, Brzezinski and his bi-partisan globalists are forging new alliances with Putin and company.

The “about” page for RBTH informs us that:

Russia Beyond the Headlines is an internationally recognized source of political, business and cultural news and analysis. It offers original, on-the-ground coverage of Russia from professional, independent journalists who are passionate and knowledgeable about the country, and opinion pieces from commentators who hold a wide range of views about Russia’s leadership and direction.

Russia Beyond the Headlines is produced by leading Russian daily Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta ( is the Russian government’s paper of record.

The “Russian government’s paper of record” — which is another way of saying that it is an official mouthpiece and propaganda fount for Putin’s KGB/FSB regime. And we can be sure that if the journalists at RBTH are truly “independent,” “passionate,” and “knowledgeable,” and if they should happen to really investigate and truthfully report the facts, they will turn up dead, like Anna Politkovskaya and the hundreds of other courageous journalists (see here and here ) whose murders or disappearances have gone largely unreported and unlamented in the Western press. All Russian reporters know this, of course, and only a tiny minority will risk incurring Putin’s wrath.

Brzezinski, the geostrategic guru, knows all of this, of course, but doesn’t suffer any compunction about cooperating with the Russian equivalent of Goebbels’ Nazi Propaganda Ministry. Neither, apparently, do any of Brzezinski’s fellow New World Order elitists at the Trilateral Commission (TC), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), or the Atlantic Council (AC).

Not only can Putin’s propaganda ministry depend on regular op-ed contributions, articles, and interviews from globalists such as Brzezinski, but RBTH, like other Putinite organs, can boast that American and European mainstream media are mainlining the Kremlin party line directly to their audiences. The RBTH website, for instance, notes

that in some of the leading prestige newspapers outside of Russia are regularly publishing RBTH supplements and regularly featuring RBTH reports on their web sites. In the U.S., RBTH  is partnered with the New York Times and the Washington Post. In Britain, it’s The Daily Telegraph; in France, Le Figaro; in Italy, La Repubblica; in Spain, El Pais; in Germany, Süddeutsche Zeitung; in Belgium, Le Soir; in Japan, Yomiuri Shimbun; in Argentina, La Nacion — etc.

While RBTH, Russia Today, Novosti, and most other Kremlin propaganda projects are aimed at the general public worldwide, Russia In Global Affairs is aimed at the intelligentsia and policymaking elites. Launched in 2002, it is a joint project of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Kremlin. The top banner for the home page of the Russia in Global Affairs (RGA) website features the state symbol of the Russian Federation along with the symbol of the CFR and the notation, “published with the participation [of] Foreign Affairs,” the journal of the CFR. In the French version of Wikipedia, the entry for RGA says: “RGA is published in English on a quarterly basis and Russian twice a month (with the support of Foreign Affairs for the latest version).”

It is clear that Brzezinski, the CFR, and Foreign Affairs have been giving RGA a great deal of support. The RGA Editorial Board and the RGA Authors web pages list a veritable Who’s Who of TC/CFR/AC heavyweights that also double as experts at Foreign Affairs, including: James F. Hoge, Jr. (editor of Foreign Affairs), Graham Allison, C. Fred Bergsten, Helmut Kohl, Lord William Wallace, Robert Kagan, Madeleine Albright, Roger Altman, Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Leslie Gelb, Condoleezza Rice, David Rockefeller, Strobe Talbott (to name a few) — and, of course, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

The chairman of the board of trustees for Russia in Global Affairs is Vladimir Potanin, one of the favored Communist Party members upon whom the KGB directors at Kremlin central bestowed instant billionaire oligarch status. (Potanin, a Putin ally, is also a business partner of Mikhail Prokhorov the flamboyant Russian playboy owner of the New Jersey Nets NBA franchise, who has recently jumped into Russian politics and may soon join the Putin “administration.”)

The RGA editorial board doesn’t even bother to camouflage its totalitarian roots, proudly listing (among others) former KGB chief Yevgeny Primakov (who also was Moscow’s Middle East terror boss) alongside his CFR/TC/AC colleagues. But then, Brzezinski, Rockefeller, and company have never been squeamish about cozy relations with communist mass murderers. Although Brzezinski is frequently described as “anti-communist,” and even as “fanatically anti-communist,” his public statements that have given rise to these absurd characterizations have always been deliberately made as political cover for official policies or policy proposals, the aim of which is to integrate and merge the non-communist world more closely with the communist (and/or “formerly” communist) world. “Strategic engagement,” “interdependence,” and “convergence” are some of the terms of art used by the CFR/TC/AC political insiders to disguise this process of engineering a global political, economic, social merger that (they intend) will culminate in world government.

The Trilateral Commission, which Brzezinski founded with David Rockefeller, is a prime model of the rule by elites that the engagement/interdependence/convergence program is producing. The TC’s European deputy chairman is Vladimir Dlouhy, the “former” Communist Party member and Czechoslovak Minister of Economy; now Comrade Dlouhy is an “international advisor” to Goldman Sachs (which is a CFR corporate member) and a one-world chum of Brzezinski and Rockefeller.

In his 2009 essay for the Financial Times, “The Group of Two That Could Change the World,” Brzezinski speaks proudly of his 1978 clandestine mission to Beijing for Jimmy Carter “to initiate the secret negotiations that resulted in the normalisation of US-China relations.” This, he claims, was not only advantageous to the United States, but “to the disadvantage of the Soviet Union.” He also argues that “we need to widen and deepen our geostrategic co-operation” with China, for economic reasons as well as for shared security on issues such as Iran, North Korea, Israel-Palestine, and “climate change.”

Of course, it was Brzezinski who led Team Carter’s vicious betrayal of Iran’s Shah Pahlavi, effectively defenestrating our most loyal ally in the region and replacing the most rational, moderating force in Islam with the virulently anti-American, pro-Soviet Ayatollah Khomeini. And at virtually the same time, the same Brzezinski-Carter crew overthrew America’s staunchest ally in Latin America, Nicaragua’s Anastasio Somoza, supplanting him with Daniel Ortega and the communist Sandanistas. The Khomeinist terror regime in Tehran and the Sandinista regime in Managua are but two of the dreadful legacies for which we are still paying a terrible price, thanks to the “brilliant” and “far-sighted” Brzezinski.

According to Brzezinski’s Financial Times piece cited above, we must “at all times keep in mind the centrality of our interdependence” with China, in order to “be able to cope with other contentious issues.” And we should, says he, favor “creating a larger standby UN peacekeeping force for deployment in failed states.”

This writer has not yet read Brzezinski’s new tome, Strategic Vision, but having read a number of his recent articles and having seen him on many recent television programs promoting the book, it is safe to bet that he is still thumping his favorite themes of engagement, interdependence, and convergence — and always more centralized power and control for the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and other international institutions — with concomitant losses of sovereignty and independence for the United States. For Brzezinski and his likeminded one-world brethren, the ultimate desideratum is world government — run by them, without the constraints of nasty checks and balances, such as those imposed by our Constitution.

Occasionally, the one-worlders come right out and say openly what they usually adorn in opaque and deceptive verbiage. Such was the case when Brzezinski was one of the key speakers at Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1995 State of the World Forum in San Francisco. This writer was in the audience, only a scant 25 feet from the speaker, when he (Brzezinski) declared:

Yet five years after the end of the century’s greatest ideological struggle and five years before the onset of the next millennium, the end of the ideological centrality in global politics has not ushered in a new world order…. We do not have a new world order. Instead we are facing growing doubts regarding the meaning of our era and regarding the shape of our future.

"We cannot leap into world government in one quick step," Brzezinski told his audience, an august Who’s Who of politics, business, finance, academe, philanthropy, and entertainment. Such a grand goal, he averred, "requires a process of gradually expanding the range of democratic cooperation as well as the range of personal and national security, a widening, step by step, stone by stone, [of] existing relatively narrow zones of stability in the world of security and cooperation. In brief, the precondition for eventual globalization — genuine globalization — is progressive regionalization, because thereby we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units."

The goal remains world government, and Brzezinski and many of his globalist comrades are anxious to speed up the gradualist process they have been pushing along toward that objective for many decades.

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Photo of Zbigniew Brzezinski