Biden’s Poll Numbers Set Record lows
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Civiqs, a polling company specializing in large numbers of respondents whom it polls exclusively every day online, reported on Monday that Joe Biden’s approval numbers have hit a new low: Overall, just 36 percent of those polled approve of his job performance.

Broken down by age, Biden’s job-approval rating among those 18 to 34 years old is 28 percent. When broken down by race, only 29 percent of white voters approve of Biden’s performance. Thirty-six percent of black voters approve, while 41 percent of Hispanic or Latino voters approve.

It also broke down the responses from the 144,000 registered voters it surveyed by state. Voters in five states — California, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Vermont — gave Biden a thumbs up.

On the other hand, 45 states disapprove. Some of them greatly disapprove, such as Alabama (68-24 percent), Arkansas (69-25 percent), Idaho (69-24 percent), West Virginia (77-18 percent), and Wyoming (74-21 percent).

Gallup took a different approach, asking Americans to rank Washington’s high-profile political figures for the year. Biden ranked below Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Attorney General Merrick Garland, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. Among Democrats, only House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ranked lower than Biden.

Gallup said “it’s noteworthy that [Vice President Kamala] Harris’ approval rating has declined from 49% since September” to just 44 percent currently. While Biden’s approval rating “has been steady at 43%, [Harris’] disapproval rating has increased from 49% to 54%.”  

All of this confirms the latest poll results from RealClear Politics, which reports the “negative spread” — the difference between approval and disapproval ratings — from numerous pollsters. The “negative spread” from Rasmussen is 18 points, while it’s 17 points from Insider/Advantage and 16 points from the Trafalgar Group.

No matter who is doing the polling, no matter what demographic group is measured, no matter what age group is considered, no matter how large or small the sample is, the results are the same: Biden’s approval rating continues to drop to record lows. And there are still 10 months to go before the midterm elections.