Biden Wants to Tie Climate Change to Coronavirus Relief
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The Biden team continues to bet that they’ll be in power come January. If they are, the former vice president is reportedly looking at the possibility of tying climate change legislation to COVID-19 economic relief in order to get it past a Republican Senate.

“People close to Biden’s transition team say they’re looking at that stimulus as a potential avenue for enacting some climate reforms — like aid for green jobs or moving the nation toward a carbon-free energy system — that might be tougher to get on their own,” reported the Associated Press.

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The Biden team’s planning comes as control of the Senate is to be determined by two runoff elections in Georgia next month. Republican need to only win one of the contests to keep hold of the chamber they have controlled since 2015.

Should the GOP hold the Senate, it’s possible that the majority there would hold the line on the most extreme platforms from a Biden administration.

Biden’s climate platform is heavily influenced by the recommendations of a unity task force between his campaign and that of Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) that was set up after the Democrat primary. The former vice president has proposed spending $2 trillion over four years to combat climate change.

Among his goals is the adoption of a 100-percent clean energy standard by 2035, which would entail a radical restructuring of the energy sector in America and require vast unconstitutional government interference in the economy. Along those lines, Biden wants every car driver in America to own an electric vehicle and would incentivize individuals to trade in their gas-powered vehicles for ones running on either electricity or hydrogen.

But how would a President Biden enforce his vision? In a striking example of green totalitarianism, the Democratic candidate’s platform states that he wants to create an Environmental and Climate Justice Division within the Department of Justice for cracking down on those who pollute the environment — ignoring the fact that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, but a cornerstone of life on Earth. The plan reads: “Biden will direct his EPA and DOJ to pursue these cases to the fullest extent permitted by law and, when needed, seek additional legislation to hold corporate executives personally accountable — including jail time where merited.”

As this author has previously written about the globalists’ climate agenda:

For socialists and globalists, the “climate change” agenda has always been one of the fundamental stepping stones toward establishing a New World Order of all-powerful world government. Because the religion of environmentalism asserts that every human activity contributes to pollution in some way, the government is therefore justified in regulating all aspects of life — from farming and transportation to housing and food.

Under this argument, of course, education must be tightly controlled by the state to ensure students are properly indoctrinated with climate hysteria. And since the very presence of humanity on the planet is fundamentally the problem, population control becomes an essential plank of the environmental program.

GOP control of the Senate is by no means a foregone conclusion, as polling shows the race to be tight between the Republican incumbents and their Democrat challengers. Nevertheless, the Biden team is preparing for the eventuality of a divided Congress, in part, by planning on furthering much of its agenda by means of executive order.

“President-elect Joe Biden is planning to quickly sign a series of executive orders after being sworn into office on Jan. 20, immediately forecasting that the country’s politics have shifted and that his presidency will be guided by radically different priorities,” the Washington Post has reported.

On issues like immigration and gun control, Biden hopes to bypass the legislature entirely and institute policies such as amnesty and bans on semi-automatic firearms by presidential decree. He has said already that a “pathway to citizenship” for at least 11 million illegal aliens will be done within the first 100 days of his administration.

Constitutionalists should be worried. While many of the executive orders President Trump has attempted to enact have ultimately been derailed by left-wing federal judges, the opposite is likely under a Biden administration: Judges will likely greenlight much of what the Democrat signs no matter how unconstitutional — while Republicans do nothing more to oppose it than rant and rave.