Biden Speech Frames Jan. 6 as “Worst Attack on Democracy Since the Civil War”; Twitter Explodes
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Nearly 100 days into his presidency, Biden made his first address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday. His speech — apparently so rousing his words lulled Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to sleep — drew an estimated 26.9 million viewers, according to Deadline, citing Nielsen figures. These numbers reflect a sharp decline from the 47.7 million who watched President Trump’s first speech to a joint session on February 28, 2017.

Biden’s opening remarks revolved around themes of “crisis and opportunity,” both of which he and his administration are extremely familiar. He would go on to discuss the coronavirus crisis, his new infrastructure plan, and the blight of America’s systemic racism, ending on a hopeful note that “Today, America is rising anew.”

“Tonight, I come to talk about crisis and opportunity. About rebuilding a nation, revitalizing our democracy, and winning the future for America,” stated Biden.

Rebuilding America, Biden-style, is really about reimagining her 244-year history and tearing down her monumental achievements of freedom and justice for all. His trillion-dollar “infrastructure plan,” dubbed the American Jobs Plan, is more accurately a complete reinvention of the U.S. economic system, placing the political elite in positions of power and incredible wealth, while relegating the rest of Americans into abject poverty.

Mere minutes into the hour-plus-long address (after a sappy recollection of taking the oath of office and placing his hand on the family Bible) came Biden’s first lie. In the president’s own words:

One hundred days since I took the oath of office and lifted my hand on to our family Bible, and inherited a nation, we all did, that was in crisis. The worst pandemic in a century, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.

First, Biden did not “inherit a nation in crisis.” Moreover, “attack,” “siege,” “insurrection,” these are the labels the establishment media has applied to the breach of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, though the majority of “heinous” crimes committed that day were trespassing and disorderly conduct. Biden’s comparison of selfie-taking Trump supporters with a war that took half a million lives to preserve the Union is appalling. And the reality of January 6 tells another story entirely. Currently, dozens of defenders of liberty, now known as “insurrectionists,” are deteriorating in solitary confinement and denied due process, treated as terrorists yet convicted of no crime. Such actions seem to be fully endorsed by the words of the president.

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Second, America is not a democracy but a Constitutional Republic. Major contributions to the floundering economy are catastrophic Democrat-led policy responses to a highly survivable and treatable virus, which have decimated livelihoods in lockdown states such as California, New York, and Oregon.

Biden’s comments sparked outrage on Twitter, as lovers of America took to the social-media platform to respond to the propaganda-laden remarks:

“January 6 was worse than 9/11? Or Pearl Harbor?” tweeted journalist Glenn Greenwald.

He continued, “Or the Oklahoma City bombing? Or the dismantling of civil liberties in the name of the Cold War and War on Terror? Or the mass surveillance program secretly and illegally implemented by NSA aimed at US citizens?”

A tweet from the Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway read: “Biden asserts riot was a worse attack than various bombings and deadly attacks on the Capitol, deadly Summer of Rage with its attacks on the WH and federal court buildings, four presidential assassinations, another five assassination attempts, Pearl Harbor, and 9/11. OK.”

One wonders if leftists have any understanding of what really took place on 9/11 or at Pearl Harbor, as Biden’s comments insinuate such atrocities were akin to people milling around, taking selfies in the Capitol building. Among the more than 400 arrested for their participation in the protests, none have been charged with sedition, but not for a lack of trying on the part of the DOJ and FBI.

Author and radio talk-show host Eric Metaxas posted this tweet: “FACT: The ‘worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War’ was when Democrats STOLE an ELECTION from #WeThePeople—and then dared to pretend WE were the threat to democracy. Shame on them. They will not get away with this. Many are praying. God sees.”

Psalm 52. Yes, God sees. Still, Biden and many on the progressive left have accused Trump of incitement and believe that the “cult of Trumpsters” can turn violent at the least provocation. By this provoking, the people may rise up, and as the socialist regimes of the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, and Cuba, the American leftist government believes they indeed could squash such a revolution. It is what they are waiting for. Conservatives must not be fooled.

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